Gurgaon problems 3: traffic problem- parking

Gurugram is not planned to have proper parking space for growing number of vehicles. Can we all carefully park our vehicles to preserve parking space, leave road for traffic and does not cause inconvenience for others? This small care at by individual, can help all of us. more  

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If we impose self discipline in our society and treat each other as brothers and sisters and respect tre\he elders we can achieve a lot in ones life span. We should have much patience on the roads and ensure that we park the vehicles properly in the service lans, road side if permissible, in our societies and elsewhere then there would be no hot wards and physical fights we take place. Impatient makes a man patient as the proverb goes. So let us all observe traffic rules and be guided accodingly. If one finds faulty parking and req uests him to park correctly, he should not mind and pick quarrels for petty matters. Hope my good fellow citizens will obey each other. best wishes. more  
There has to discipline among us. Police has to an honest work to build Gurgaon culture and etiquettes among people. Police has to be made corruption free. Builders basements meant for parking have to used for parking only and kept clean. Penalize heavily the corrupt and wrong doing. more  
What Mr. Chopra says is sad but true. We have an attitude problem and the law is rarely visible to bring about any semblance of order. more  
yes Mr. Arora, lot of local people have ego issues too. they feel insulted when asked to obey rules more  
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