Gurgaon resifents are being cheated by the haryana govt. We r paying highest terrif in the ncr and receiving poor services from drptt. This matter needs our joint attention. more
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Gurgaon residents are the maximum contributors to Haryana Exchequer and at the same time getting poorest services. That is why I call 'Andher Nagri, Chopat BJP'. more
Oct 11
HERC must penalize electricity company not honest consumer . The company officers must be punished for theft and line lose more than permissible then only this increase in tariff can be control. It is the only easy-way for HERC and electricity company to increase the tariff. HERC is not independent agency. The officer from electricity company are appointed as the member of HERC. The can not be fair with honest consumer. more
Oct 11
Not poor its poorest haryana bjp government totally failed all government officer collecting bride from local guandas and running their empire government are not allowed to interfere .......making fool of people as did in elections more
Oct 11