Headache causes and solutions


Most common causes are :

Lack of sleep
Bad ventilation
High stress level
High blood pressure
Eye sight issues/accommodation
Electrolyte imbalance
Certain vitamin deficiencies

First give a try to these :

☑️Check eyesight
☑️Take enough sleep
☑️Forget and forgive more often
☑️Deep breathing
☑️Take electrolytes
☑️Check blood pressure
☑️Reduce weight
☑️Avoid blood sugar spikes and downfalls . more  

Poor blood circulation is main cause for leg pains. Some of the remedies are. Crush both legs tows baseor stimulate Crush all tows of both legs Sit atleast in VAJRASANA Cycling👍in reverse direction Crosslink both hand fingers and crush, till one experience heat on finger base. more  
Kindly forward any ideas for full body pain especially both legs. S.K. JAIN [https://mail.zoho.in/zm/ImageDisplay?na=249133000000002002&nmsgId=1602497787095000001&f=1.png&mode=inline&cid=3361d55d-9fd7-4a04-b992-a100e3a6c9ee&] Mob No. :- 9312806828 Phone Delhi :- +91-11-2223 6828 / 4302 7288 AVID ORGANICS PVT. LTD. Delhi / Vadodara,India www.avidorganics.net ________________________________ From: Vijaya Nair Sent: Monday, December 18, 2023 12:45 PM To: shreejee@hotmail.com Subject: "Headache causes and solut..." more  
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