Health Tackling with Dengue Chicanguniya
Please note at least 200 to 300 more beds should be provided in each hospital in Delhi with modern good quality equipment, disposable syringe etc. There are around 2 Crores of people in Delhi and there is not enough number of bed in hospitals. Please see that this shortage of bed is removed immediately and enough number of ambulance are being provided in hospitals as well.
There should be enough number of doctors along with enough good high quality medicines. Hospitals should be cleaned at least 5 times a day and help should be taken through private cleaning agencies of ISO standard. Fogging should be done in residential colonies 10 to 20 times in a a month and garbage should be taken outside city and should be destroyed after segregation and recycling. Hoovers installed under trucks should be used for picking dust and cleaning city.
Thanks with best regards. more