Hello Friends, My Blood Group is A+ and I would be really glad if I could help someone please (Mobile Number : +91-9350604147) more
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Dear Sandeep Kumar, The email sent to sab@theekhai.tk with subject "Commented on a post in [All about Blood Donation ]" will be delivered as soon as possible. Your email address is automatically added to the recipients 'whitelist'. This means for further emails to sab@theekhai.tk, you will not receive a delivery notification again. TK MAILIAS ************************************************* Looking for a way to Protect Your Identity and for a great no-more-spam solution for your email address www.send_post_comment++vviyvviymq++iyaeqsvviy@localcirclesmail.com? Sign up for TK Mailias. It's free! Please visit http://www.mail.tk/ more
Aug 06
Dear ANURAG GUPTA, The email sent to sab@theekhai.tk with subject "New resource "Hello Friends, My Blood G..." in [All about Blood Donation ...]" will be delivered as soon as possible. Your email address is automatically added to the recipients 'whitelist'. This means for further emails to sab@theekhai.tk, you will not receive a delivery notification again. TK MAILIAS ************************************************* Looking for a way to Protect Your Identity and for a great no-more-spam solution for your email address www.send_newpost++vviyvviymq++iyaeqsvviy@localcirclesmail.com? Sign up for TK Mailias. It's free! Please visit http://www.mail.tk/ more
Aug 06