My grand son age - 10 years, had stomach pain last year . During Nov.2019 a doctor were consulted, he suggested to have CT Scan. The result were Hernia . The doctor suggested to undergo operation . Can any one suggest the best remedy - Thank You more  

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Hi. Please consult a surgeon in a good city hospital. you have not provided any details. Understand why it may have been caused and how exactly it can be fixed. one has to use his own intelligence and do adequate questioning of the doctor. Ex. there are two good hospitals Saint johns and Narayan hrudayalaya in bangalore. speaking to senior surgeons here would help. If you describe the findings of the CT report exactly I can check with a ayurvedic doctor within my family if it has any solution for the same. more  
We have alternate medicines for Allopathy . SURGERY IS DONE WHERE MEDICINES HAVE NOT BEEN SUCCESSFUL OR HAS NO SCOPE. Read the information at the statue of Sushutha the Indian founding father of surgery : A statue dedicated to Sushruta at the Patanjali Yogpeeth institute in Haridwar. In the sign next to the statue, Patanjali Yogpeeth attributes the title of Maharishi to Sushruta, claims a floruit of 1500 BC for him, and dubs him the " FOUNDING FATHER OF SURGERY ", and identifies the Sushrut Samhita as "the best and outstanding commentary on Medical Science of Surgery". Many members have also advised for surgery as it is a mechanical problem of the small intestine slipping out through a gap and causing pain. The gap is stitched to prenent the slipping down , thereby relieving pain . As it is a young boy 1 who will be actinve running and jumping around it will agravate the situation to a serious level . IF THERE IS ANY DOUBT TAKE THE CT SCAN TO ANOTHER FRIENDLY DOCTOR AND ASK FOR HIS OPINION . But no need to take another scan . more  
My name is Dinesh Doshi, URINE tHERAPY DOCTOR. My mobile No. is 9619439665. Age 85+.I do not charge any fee..Because of age it is strain to give advice in writing.. I have cured lasr stage cancer NON HODGINS LYMPHOMA, MUSCULAR DISTROPHE AND GANGRENE IN THE LEG. I have books in English 150/-, Gujrati 150/-, Hindi andSouth Indian languages 250/-. . For more details, lease talk to me on mobile. more  
Thanks for good advice more  
For Harnia, operation is the only solution. more  
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