Try this....if he can do it.... ask him to close his nose with fingers and close his mouth also and blow air outside hard for 30 secs that it pushes in his ears. :)) it helps more
First of all nothing to worry. Some of my family members including me have hiccup problem and once started it goes on for 3 to 4 days. based on my experience take below actions. 1. give him/her bed rest 2. give cold and sweet milk 3. spoon of sugar time to time 4. no food which cause acidity or heartburn 5. don't feed full stomach, instead small portions at some intervals I hope this will help, you can some anti acidic syrup like gelucel etc. for me when it goes for more than a day than I go for medication but I hope it will not be needed for a kid more
If parents have practical ideas on how to de-addict kids from using mobile phone and do other better things, please share. 12 yr old nephew is just so hooked, nothing seems to work with him.
Dear All, National Digital Library is an initiative by HRD ministry. It is a huge collection of learning resources (68 lakh books) from primary to PG level. Students can use it free of charge...
See image below, Shahrukh Khan flouting rules, his young son abraham sitting in a convertible without any seat belt driving through mumbai. flashy acts of convertible aside, this is just setting ba...
Can all members please suggest who are some of the best pediatricians of Delhi and NCR. Have my cousin here from london who has a 4 year old with a minor complication? Thanks in advance.
Fellow parents, Can someone in this circle guide me how to ensure that my kids don't end up going to the wrong sites and content on the tablet and home computer. Please share ...
Hi Can someone explain the steps needed to do for nursery admission. I have 4 schools in mind in dwarka. How many schools should I apply. What if I dont get in either of them. Please explain assu...
Liked these for parents to adopt so sharing. 10 "rules" for parents: As parents, we will be good role models. We will only ask the kids to eat foods that we are willing to ea...
By Vijaya Nair
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