High rise apartment in twin cities - are sitting ducks in case of fire accidents?

Time and again the severe fire accidents in major cities like Mumbai,Delhi have highlighted the need to install effective fire fighting systems apart from equipping fire service departments of the city with machine capable of reaching above 15 floors .
It is a trend in twin cities to construct luxurious apartments and even middle class affordable units above 15 floors .The recent article in news paper says that there are only machines capable with ladder up to 15 floors only in Hyderabad.It is a night mare situation even to imagine as to what would happen in lack of appropriate fire fighting vehicles !
Either the GHMC deny permission or restrict future high rises to 15 floors or urgently acquire needed appropriate vehicles and equipment .
If finance and staff are short must put a cess on high rises to collect funds for that purposes.
How many times the fire officers have checked firefighting drills and checked Manuels of training and equipment including water hydrants and sources in these dangerous high rises.
God should save the attitude to aspire for high rise living as the present Fire fighting vehicles are not equipped to put off fires above 15 floors .
Let right minded govt ,officers , citizens give thought ponder as to what should be done as a urgent measure. more  

The repeat of fire accidents in our state capital speaks volumes of low quality of electrification ,skills ,execution, lack of knowledge of building wiring,low quality materials, poor training or no training of the so-called ‘ Electricians’ This is a serious lapse in building constructions, lack of fire safety training, lax certification of fire safety by corrupting the authorities. Hospitals, dwelling units, warehouses, unorganised sectors factories in the city outskirts and casual attitude of the civic authorities including electricity board is responsible for the frequent accidents.Even motor vehicle fire accidents are on the rise .Who is to bell this fat cat? The citizens apathy ,the authorities lazyness ,lack of governance ,poor electrical material produced in India,lack of ITT training ,compromise in all issues has led to this situation. All electrical poles ,transformers,wiring of HVElectricity wires are badly laid ,very close to buildings,poor earthing,people,e are siting food,juice , goll gappa carts are located abutting transformers,some huge giant inverters are on footpaths abutting shops and transformers ( Himayat Nagar) stray animals graze with out fencing around transformers,if this is the situation in the smart city ( Hyderabad)what do you expect in future . Future cities,atleast some gated communities ,colonies must have all(Underground ducting for wires,water,phone cables, electronic ,drainage )to look like some westren countries with proper maps, markings and civic departments to dealall amalgamated needs.Think of future planning . Wait and watch for more calamities related to electrical fire accidents including hospitals! more  
It’s every days event - cars catching fire on roads - the road safety institutes must inquire , analyse ,address it to manufacturing units. House fire, ware house fires, office fires, shops on fire - though blamed as a result of short circuit . Why only in India these many incidents if it is correct? The answer must be searched in the following - training of electricians in domestic wiring techniques at ITIs,available material like wires, switches, circuits, plugs ,electrical components of critical nature ,building materials providing conduit to eke tribal wiring ,careless ness ,lack of fire safety culture ,la k of safety inspections. In no other country these many daily fires are being reported! We as a country lack initiative to build quality material, quality training and we do not conform to safety specification. more  
Emergency exit stairs does not exist in all existing building except 1-2%. more  
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