Homeopathy alternative to chemo?
However while going through medical history it is observed that histopathology report of tonsil removed on feb 8, 2018 has concluded “ suggestive of B cll lymphoblastic lymphoma” surprisingly this report was nor discussed and since doctor had not suggested any further action it was just filled.
Bothe these procedures were done by different doctors and were sent to different labs in Kolhapur.
Since both reports are not in concurrence we have not started on chemo and radiation part and are sending Blocks of both specimen to TMH Mumbai for investigation and advise.
I am a male 61 Known diabetic for 15 + years has 3 episodes of herpes (@ 1996, 2002, 2010) which were treated with acyclovir. Also had retinopathy of both eyes last month treated with avastin Inj and lezor and Ok now.
I am physically and mentally strong the problem of tongue is not painful and except some change in voice I have no difficulty in food intake.
Is there effective treatment for me in Homeopathy? more
with out such MCI or district registrations do not go to ant doctor-who can not give a prescription of drugs-with a slip on top -his name and registration shall exist.
other wise he is only a drug diplomo holder and not a rmp more