How Can Rail Accidents Be Minimized Most Effectively ?

The Railway Ministry came under scrutiny during the recent Parliament session, as Members of Parliament (M.P.s) raised concerns over the rising number of rail accidents and called for a broader implementation of safety mechanisms and improved infrastructure. In response to these frequent incidents, the Railways must place extraordinary emphasis on two critical features:
When rail accidents occur, senior officials from the Railway Board or Zonal Railways often attribute the cause to the train crew, station master, signal maintainer, or linesman, pending a full inquiry. While the introduction of the new signaling system, such as Kavach, aimed to reduce running time and signal waiting time, the necessary supportive systems were not adequately provided or maintained, leading to serious accidents and loss of human lives. Currently, only a small portion of the tracks have been upgraded with this superior signaling system. While rapid development and technological advancements are essential for public sector enterprises, it is equally crucial to prioritize safety and prevent accidents that result in tragic loss of life.
Working Conditions:
The working hours, rest periods, and amenities provided to loco running staff must be carefully reviewed by senior officers. This includes ensuring that all loco pilots (drivers) are provided with air-conditioned cabins, especially after recent accidents highlighted the need to reduce fatigue and improve efficiency among drivers. Electric and diesel locomotive cabins must be upgraded accordingly. The issue of staff shortages exacerbates this problem, leading to overwork and fatigue among critical personnel such as train managers, station managers, point men, and signal maintainers. With only 5,658 notices issued against 20,000 vacancies, the departments remain severely understaffed. The remaining 18,799 vacancies were only addressed after recent accidents, but until these positions are filled, the existing staff will continue to bear an overwhelming workload, potentially compromising the quality of work and contributing to further accidents.
India proudly holds its position as the world's leader in rail usage, with over 8 billion passenger trips per year covering more than 1 trillion kilometers. Japan follows with 6.6 billion passenger trips covering 150 billion kilometers, and China ranks a distant third with 3 billion passenger trips covering 950 billion kilometers. Our focus should be on meeting the severe demand for rail accommodation, ensuring convenience, seating availability, and cleanliness. By addressing these critical areas, we can hope to achieve a safer and more efficient railway system in the near future.
- Jai Hind. more  

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To reduce rail accidents, a combination of technology, infrastructure improvements, and strict safety protocols is needed. Strategies include upgraded signaling systems, regular maintenance, enhanced safety training, modernized infrastructure, public awareness campaigns, advanced technology, stricter regulations, emergency preparedness, and collaboration between railway companies and safety organizations. more  
Even animal coming on tracks must be prevented. more  
Speed thrills, but kills. Now we are increasing the speed of Trains and any folly will result in accidents. Hence more and more accident prevention measures must be undertaken. more  
Block chain based secure cryptographic techniques and tamper-proof transaction records are the only answer to reduce vulnerability of ticket booking platforms. more  
Worst governance from Railway and Indian government since last few years making the peoples and their family life misery by playing with the safety of railway by unrealistic duty hours for the pilot & guards , Signal,railway track maintenance given to greedy contractors, giving priority for goods train for profiteering and facilitating one or two Industrialists/ Businessmen. more  
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