How GST calculated on Hotel booking.
While explaing hotel booking industry in india,can be cosidered below points.
1. Per night basis or Total transaction value.
2. GST calculation based on base rate or discount rate ie taxable amount.
3. What is the correct GST Slab for hotel booking.
4. Receipt should contain GST numebr or not
With Thanks in advance. more
For example -
Net Amount 8000 (1000/night, 8 Days stay)
GST = 2240 (28%)
Discount = 4000 (Rs 500/night)
Net receavable = 4000 Room rent + 2240 GST.
As a customer pay GST of 56 %
How it is justifiable.
Non of the govt notification force to pay GST before discount.
Who ever give the discount, If GST is paid after discount, Then what is the problem. which Govt notification will effected. more