How Justice full-fill Preamble Guarantee of the Constitution
-When the Accused do not tell truth under mandate of Oath while Judiciary do not agree for Scientific Lie Detector
-When Courts dismiss the cases at ‘inadequate evidences’ without ordering Police duty-bound Job Responsibility
-When Top Ruling Authority discards CAG Audit conclusions declaring s simple Assumptions
-When enforcement of IPC and Constitutional Mandates ignored/diversified/diluted
-When Politically oriented Members involve and interfere in discharge of Government duties that should be strictly at Constitutional Mandates
-When Politicians, Elected members, Bureaucrats re well guarded denying prosecution when the initial evidences concluded by Policing tenders action
-When the E.C. do not have independent authority to Mandate Regulations on Electioneering, Political Parties, Contestants and Elected Members
-When the refused, rejected and defeated Political Party is allowed to share and Rule the State/Country
-When Executive is neglecting the Orders/Directions of Supreme Court
NOT ONLY THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA, ALL THE POLITICAL PARTIES AND THE PRESIDENT OF THE Country need to think at the interest of the Country and its legitimate Citizen please. more