Hydro carbon exploration

I agree with the view. I was a resident of Thillainagar during 60s and 70s. It is a fact that Thillainagar and Woriyur were having agricultural lands and now converted to real estate only to enrich local politicians. Giving land for hydro-carbon exploration will not get returns for politicians. Hence all the agitations. It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
In Chennai to prevent depleting ground water level and to stop ingress of sea water everyone was talking of preserving Velachery marsh land area and other water bodies. Only it was louder sound making and many so called front line people who are voicing social grievances appeared in media and posed and pretended.
In this case government can impose strict conditions and restrictions on organisations that will undertake the exploration contracts to see to it that neighbouring lands beyond boundaries should be protected and that such organisations should adopt the required technology to monitor the water purity level of neighbouring land areas and constantly report to appointed statutory agency of the Govt and to the people. Such organisations should in cooperation with government treat the water coming out during exploration treat that properly to potable level and offer that to the distant land areas for agricultural purposes.

V.A.Sankaran more  

Dear Sir / Madam , please share this video from young cute kid to TN CM and to PM and social media . This young kid creating social awareness about corona and the video is in tamil. we should really bring up and reward such kids. I got it by a forwarded whatsapp. Thanks in advance whoever takes to the next level . more  
Every single important decosoon of the TN NGovt (or for that matter any state govt has the angle - what is in it for POLITICIANS and their official chumchas.EG. Mahabalipuram omprovements with a budget of 525 crores, or strenghening 60 dams with a total cost of 600 crores or (unbelievable mas it may seem - River restoration at incredible costs ). On neach of these points we must ask for INFORMATION under RTI). DEVENDRA OZA more  
It is India. Here the politicians department officials companies involved in business common man all are corrupt. I am not corrupt only because I have no choice to become corrupt! In such a situation it will be very very difficult to confirm any law, decision made by any government and is always looked upon with suspicion. On every sphere law is there and it is sufficient to ensure that no law is violated to keep progress in every sphere. Unfortunately for gain of power nand position law is never enforced sincerely. Agriculture is important and as well hydro carbon and a balance has to be kept to go both. Decisions should never be made based on votebank to win elections more  
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