Hydrocarbon project in Tamil Nadu - A victim of vote bank politics
Giving up of any project is not difficult. Earlier, Sterlite project was closed, with the Government of Tamil Nadu saying that it would not allow the project to operate.
On the other hand, it is necessary as part of good governance to take a holistic view of the situation and take decisions with long term interests of the state in view. Former Chief Minister Selvi Jayalalithaa adopted such pro active approach in the case of Kudankulam nuclear power project.
In a democratic society, sincere attempts should be made to convince the people about the need for the projects, instead of buckling under the pressure of opposition politicians, poorly informed debates and vested interests. Vote bank politics should be thoroughly kept out of government’s policies and priorities.
While the consumption of water for use in the drilled wells would not be very large, still if the required water would be tapped from the ground , this would really cause concern in Neduvasal and nearby areas, where the ground water resources would deplete in drought period and when there would be lack of water in the Cauvery river.
In such circumstances, the authorities have to assure that the water would not be tapped from the ground in the area but would be brought from elsewhere. Perhaps, like what Koodankulam nuclear power project in Tamil Nadu has done , a separate desalination plant can be put up to meet the water requirement.
People in the region are still not aware as to how much agricultural land area would be diverted for the project , how much loss would be there due to diversion of agricultural land and how the farmers there would be compensated in the short term and long term.
There has been deafening silence on the part of the government agencies in providing the above details, which caused even more anxiety amongst people living in the area. In such conditions, even those not connected with the Neduvasal village started sympathizing with the local people and thought that they should be provided support to protect their interests. If the government is in possession of appropriate explanation for the misgivings of the local people, the government has kept it all to itself.
The government atleast could have offered to take the local people to other regions in the country, where gas wells are being operated without causing adverse conditions, which may have provided some confidence. Even this has not been done.
Nandini Voice For The Deprived
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