I am an applicant for ticket from AAP from Fatehpur Sikri (Agra) Lok Sabha constituency. I request that each member should go through these and sand own opinions that after inclusion/deletion (compilation) these imortant issues can be a part of election manifesto. The issues are as under:-

1. Foreign Policy. National interests are the key elements of foreign policy, which are in the forms of its goals. AAP will continue to adopt present foreign policy, which is based upon Panch Sheela and NAM (Non Alignment Movement) for achieving u/m goals: -

(a) Mutual respects for territorial integrity and sovereignty of our neighboring countries as well as other countries of the world incl power blocks.

(b) Continue to follow principle of non-aggression.

(c) Non interference in the internal affairs of neighboring countries as well as other countries of the world.

(d) Equality and mutual benefits.

(e) Peaceful coexistence.

2. Home Policy. The purpose of home policy for a democratic Govt looks after the interest and welfare of the people and seeks to organize their lives in such a manner as there may be least frictions and clashes between them.

(a) Law & order. The purpose of home policy is not only to maintain law and order situation in the country but also to create conditions where mutual harmony and goodwill among the people may develop. In this regard AAP will tolerate all the opinions for common welfare by maintaining a continuos dialogue in between the Govt and the public by:-

(i) Fostering the growth for an atmosphere which is necessary conductive to the development of a clean, healthy and welfare society.

(ii) Establishing rule of law to safe guard the liberties of the people without disturbing the stability and the structure of the society in every state of the union.

(b) Center State Relations. India has adopted a federal form of Govt where the administrative and legislative authority of the units and the federation is separated and independent of each other. AAP will review/reexamine wide enough concurrent list in consultation with all the states for decentralizing and making it more suitable to our political system so that SWARAJ can be established to make strong states as well as a strong federation.

(i) Financial Relations. The financial relationship between the Center and the states cannot remain static for a long time. AAP will reexamine the Center State financial relationship by reviewing article 289, 302 and 360 in consultations with other like minded parties at the Center so that states can get more and more impartial financial powers and aids for nation building activities.

(ii) Legislative Relations. As per article 248 residuary powers are vested in the union Govt or Parliament, which can legislate upon the subjects which are not enumerated in the State or Concurrent list. Article 249 empowers the Parliament to legislate on a subject in the State list under the plea of National Interest. Article 256 and 257 give certain powers to Union Govt for giving directions to sates for complying with the lows of the Central Govt. Article 356 and 357 empowers the Union Govt to dismiss state Govt and to dissolve it even. Article 365 empowers the Central Govt if a states fail to comply with any directions of Center, the President can dissolve the state Govt and can takes over the states. APP demands review of these constitutional positions of the Center in consultation with all the parties.

(iii) Administrative Relations. AAP will try to maintain a proper and balanced Center State relationship to save the Indian democracy by regulating policy framework that was built-up during independence era.

(iv) Role of Governors. As per opinion of Dr BR Ambedkar powers of the Governor Can be divided into two parts. First, Governor will remain in office during the pleasure of the Govt, Governor has to see how he can utilize his residuary powers and secondly, Governor will advise the Govt on a particular matter, he should be given time for recommendations. Articles 200 and 201 empower the Governor to withhold the assent to a bill passed by state legislature. AAP suggests following recommendations:-

(iv)(a) Constitutional provisions regarding appointment, terms of office and guide lines on which Governors function.

(iv)(b) Dismissal, transfer and undesired harassment of Centre on the governors.

(c) Independence of Judiciary. Constitution of India establishes a single integrated system of judicial administration. On so many occasions Centre tries to subverting the independence functioning of the Judiciary via imposing transfer. The greatest danger to judiciary in the opinion of AAP is posed by sycophant elements with in the judiciary. For providing speedy justice and keeping in mind the pending cases in various courts, AAP demands incr in the strength of judges and establishment of 3 x benches of Supreme Court as well as required benches of state Hich courts in different other parts of the country.

(d) Secularism in India. Secularism is the basic philosophy of Indian constitution. AAP will follow policies which can revert the faith of backward classes in secularism by separating religion/cast system with politics.

(e) Communal Harmony. Communal harmony results havoc to the lives and property of the people. APP supports Blanket ban on communal groups/parties/leaders who relates themselves with communal organizations so that deteriorative effect on national security can be avoided.

(f) National Unity and forces of Disintegration. AAP promises to strengthen the work culture of National Integration Council so that acceptable solutions of emergent problems of the people can be implemented timely to safe guard the National Integration.

(g) Education. Primary education has already primarily been the concern of the states. AAP will overhaul and reorient the whole system of the education to establish domestic socialistic system and generating trained manpower as per present day requirements. The educated woman, whether at work or at home are always a source of well planned and arranged family units in integrated Indian society. Hence, right to education for the girls is most important now a days.

(h) Prohibition. In the domain of social welfare, prohibition has come to be accepted as one of the principle policy of the Govt. Indian Constitution includes Directive Principles of State Policy utilized by the states. In the opinion of AAP, SWARAJ cannot be established without imposing prohibition in the country.

(J) NCC, TA, Home Guards. AAP will implement almost all possible drives for immediate development of the persons involved in these organizations so that these org can give the nation their best.

3. Industrial Policy. Since independence all the ruling parties has adopted the idea of “cooperative commonwealth” as its objectives. Under present industrial policy setup industries under schedule ‘A’ will only be governed by the Central Govt and the industries under schedule ‘B’ will be state owned. Further development of the industries falling outside schedule ‘A’ and schedule ‘B’ in general are left to the initiative of private sector. In the opinion of AAP, industrial development aims for establishing a socialistic pattern of society but ruling parties at the centre always persuaded the policy for strengthen the capitalist system that is why private industries are earning high profit and public sector industries are running at loss. As a result of present industrial policy the share of profit of private products is increasing and on the other hand purchasing capacity of the people is dwindling fast and exploitation is increasing. AAP promises the following improvements:-

(a) Workers Participation in the Industries. In most of the industries working conditions and living standard will be improved. Joint consultations with middle and higher management will be made available with workers. Child labor and Contract labor will be stopped and casual workers will be adjusted as per rules of the industry. Industrial dispute act will be made liberal and right of workers/ workers unions throughout India will be upheld. Besides this, Labor policy will be framed with altogether changes in wages, bonus and other immunities concerned with a labour’s conditions in India.

(b) Planning and Industrial Development. States have the powers to regulate and develop the industrial sector. AAP held the ruling parties at center for not fostering the industrial development of the country in a planned manner. AAP will plan expansion, modernization and programmed maintenance of industrial sector so that each industry can run over its capacity to achieve self sufficiency regarding the production of essential commodities and capital products and higher industrial growth rate resulting controlled inflation.

(c) Trade, Import and Export Policy. The State Trading Corporation controls the Indian foreign trade structure. The policies adopted/followed by STC have to be reviewed so that great harm to the nation and concept of self reliance can be minimized for setting up a stable economy. AAP will implement policies favorable accelerate export and reduce import for strengthening trade deficit in the country.

(d) Large, Medium and Small Scale Industries. The aim of nation policy should ensure that the decentralized sector acquire sufficient vitality to be of large scale industry. Sufficient attention will be paid reverting sick industries in to profit agencies by restructuring and expansion and preventing multinationals in rural areas as per geographical conditions.

4. Economic Policy. Economic situation of a country besides its financial resources largely depends upon Industrial development.

(a) Poverty and Unemployment . Disparities in levels of development between different regions help entire country for attaining higher standard of living. But all the ruling parties at the centre did just opposite to it. Central Govts has helped the rich and poor in the same proportion resulting increasing no of people to live below the poverty line every year and making India the poorest country. AAP will reexamine the issues why real income of the workers have gone down and on the other hand the profit of big monopoly houses have jumped up causing a huge increase in poverty and unemployment specially in rural areas. To bring the radical changes in the social and economic structure of the country will be the AAP’s first and foremost approach to eliminate poverty in India by uplifting the poor and middle classes.

(b) Corruption. Corruption at all levels is the most important factor causing a weak economic situation in India. Today India is a living example of the fact that cynicism corrupts and absolute cynicism corrupt absolutely. Important failures of the past Govts is on the front of corruption, unfortunately which at high places has gone to a tremendous extent. AAP will set the example to the world by eradicating corruption from bottom to top. As long as corruption continues to grow, inflation will also grow in this country.

(c) Price Hike and Inflation Control. Every Indian is almost desperate for daily price hike. Rapid rate of inflation is beyond the control of the Govt. APP has the firm political will to make consumer price index stable by establishing proper balance in availability and demands of essential commodities at all time and imposing ban on mediators.

(d) Regional Economic Disparities. Different priorities, process of formulations and implementations of policies time to time by Central Govt ddhas resulted greatest regional economic disparities and imbalances preventing uniform social development in India. Entire economy seems into the grip of other dominant forces. AAP will restructure planning commission so it can counter economic polarization to save India from economic crisis.

(e) Agriculture, Land Reforms and Rural Development. The performance of the Indian economy critically depends on Agriculture. At present conditions of farmers is miserable. Farmers are demanding proper price for Agriculture products but anti public and anti labor policies gave the result just opposite to it. AAP in relation to Agriculture, Land reforms and rural development condemns the policies adopted by various ruling parties at the Centre. AAP will create proper conditions for understanding and working of cooperative farming via each five year plan. A commission will be setup for deciding proper prices of Agricultural products for generating substantial employment and income opportunities in rural areas and strengthening the impulse of modernization for achieving self reliance.

(f) Unemployment. Problem of providing full employment is a big issue. Initiation of contract sys and casual labour mgt have already blocked most of the employment opportunities for a educated/common man in Railway, Public Industries and various departments of the Govt AAP will suitably reexamine the issues for productive employment so that sources of production as well as income of the indl can be increased.

5. Taxation Structure and the Black Money. The budget is an instrument for social transformation and as such it has to decide the tax structure. An equitable policy of taxation structure demands that those who can pay should be taxed and these taxes should be spent for providing the amenities for those who need them. Present taxation structure needs rationalization for combating with the evil of methods of generating Black Money and Round Tripping by tightening regulations in the financial sector. more  

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Dear Sir, ALL THE BEST. Let me know what I can do for you. With regards, KUMUD L. DAS Advocate-on-Record Supreme Court of India New Delhi - 1 (INDIA) aorsckumudldas@gmail.com P.S. Sorry for the late response. I lost my mother a month back after her long illness and hospitalization. more  
Good luck to u. You only need to attend to your people's needs, be an honest member of the parliament and do every thing to end corruption. That would do. The rest would follow. Are u willing to sacrifice all your personal comforts and enjoyments as long as you are an elected representative? more  
Congratulations ! U r just too good. Regards, Dr.Kirpal Rana On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Dr BIJENDRA SINGH CHAHAR < support@localcirclesmail.com> wrote: > more  
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