I AM POSTING THE E-MAIL AS RECEIVED ABOUT RELIEVING ARTHRITIS PAIN & Cholesterol, Blood Glucose, Lipids and Triglycerides

From: Ashwani Kapur [mailto:ashwanikapur49@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 8:07 PM
To: Col. R.R. Chandra
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Relieve Arthritis Pain & Cholesterol, Blood Glucose, Lipids and Triglycerides

Relieve Arthritis Pain & cholesterol, blood glucose, lipids and triglycerides

Some of you know that I have osteoarthritis stabilised by
knee exercises and Glucosamine and Condrontin for the
last 8 years while a few of my peers had knee replacement
during this time.

Last November I went to Hanoi Bay and did quite a bit of
climbing that aggravated the pain in my right knee and
started the pain in the left. Still I persisted with my
medication and knee exercises. It gave relieve up to 70%.

One of my favourite fruits is pineapple. I realize that for
weeks since my trip to Hanoi I have not eaten any pineapple.
I really missed that so went out to purchase one.
Walloped one big piece heartily. Lo and behold, next morning
when I started my exercises, the pain was nearly gone.
There was around 95% relieve. Thinking it was the benefit
of the exercises I increased the momentum another 5 to 10

Later in the day I began to think how could the pain decrease
so much overnight. Aha. only difference was the pineapple
that I ate. Yes you guessed it, I went and walloped some more
and obtained more relieve .

Happy but too shy to tell anyone until my sister rang up to inform
of her back ache and unable to stand straight. Rebuked her for not doing anything like rubbing ointment or seeing a Doctor.
Jokingly informed her of my pineapple experience. She said
she was going to try that. A week or so later she came over and proudly showed me that she could walk straight without any pain.
With thumb up she informed that the pineapple worked.


For generations, people around the world have used fresh pineapple to ease their arthritis inflammation.
Loaded with joint-protecting vitamin C, pineapple is undoubtedly a superior arthritis-healing food.
It’s anti-inflammatory ingredient -- bromelain -- is so potent that many
boxers drink the juice after fights to heal their bruises.
A 1960 study compared boxers who took bromelain with those receiving aplacebo. In just four days, an amazing 78% of those taking bromelain were inflammation-free, while only 14% of the control group had recovered.

Other than bromelain, pineapple also contains manganese, which
bones and protects joints.
Here are 5 reasons you should be indulging in this delicious fruit if youstruggle with joint pain and arthritis:

Reason #1: Joint Protection*

Higher intake levels of the antioxidant vitamin C is essential for people with arthritis...And just one cup of pineapple has a whopping 94% of their commended daily allowance (RDA)!
Research published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases showed that vitamin C-rich foods protect against inflammatory polyarthritis,a type of rheumatoid arthritis in which two or more joints are affected.

If you have osteoarthritis, you may be concerned by warnings that you should not increase your vitamin C intake. But know that those warnings are based on a 2004 study on guinea pigs!

Studies on humans show vitamin C actually reduces pain, cartilage loss and disease progression.

Reason #2: Healthier Joint Tissue*

Pineapple is a great source of the trace mineral manganese.
Manganese is absolutely essential for building healthy joint tissue and dense bones. One cup of pineapple provides 128% of the RDA for manganese.

Research shows that manganese tackles free radicals that can damage joint cartilage.

Tip: It's best to eat your pineapple raw. Fruit skewers alternating fresh
pineapple chunks with strawberries is a great way to do that. Grilled and cooked pineapple is extraordinarily tasty too.

Reason #3: Smoother Joint Movement*

Pineapple's enzymes literally clean up "rusty" joints. When you eat
pineapple on an empty stomach, the enzymes go right to work on your joints.
Tip: If you eat pineapple with other foods, the enzymes divert their
activity to digesting the rest of your meal instead of the gunk in your
So keep pineapple around for between-meal snacks. Juice the hard inner core as well to take advantage of the concentrated bromelain located there.

Reason #4: Pain Relief

For optimal arthritis pain-relief, eat fresh pineapple. The bromelain in
pineapple is destroyed by heat, so fresh pineapple will benefit you the most.
Frozen pineapple retains active enzymes, but canned fruit and commercially processed juice don't provide the anti-inflammatory benefit of fresh fruit.
It's important to note bromelain causes anti-clotting activity...
So you should consult with your physician before combining pineapple with blood-thinning medications such as warfarin (Coumadin), heparin, or aspirin.
Tip: If the fruit needs to ripen, keep it on your kitchen counter for a
couple days. You'll know it's sweet and ready to eat when the bottom
softens a bit.

Reason #5: Protection from Inflammation
Pineapple's bromelain halts inflammation. The sulfur-based enzyme bromelain in fresh pineapple is one of the best-researched natural anti-inflammatory agents around.
Bromelain clobbers inflammatory agents that trigger joint pain and
cartilage degeneration.
A 2006 study cited in Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology found that supplemental bromelain is effective in easing discomfort from hip arthritis.

The Arthritis Foundation stated that pineapple's bromelain produces effects comparable to NSAIDs for relieving pain and inflammation.
UK researchers reviewed ten studies on osteoarthritis and bromelain. They found that every single one confirmed bromelain's benefits.

Tip: Most of the bromelain in pineapples is found in the core and the stem.

So don't throw away that tough, fibrous core!

Just chop it up, throw it in a blender with some water and pulse to convert it to juice.


Goodbye cholesterol, blood glucose, lipids and triglycerides

Every week for 4 weeks, buy pumpkin pieces. They should not be the pumpkin squash and pumpkin rather large, which is usually used to make candy. Daily, peel 100 grams of pumpkin, place the pieces in a blender (raw), along with water (WATER ONLY!), And mix well, making a vitamin pumpkin with water (do not use sugar!).
Take this 15-20 minutes before breakfast for a month.

During the first week, urine has a large amount of LDL (low molecular weight),
which results in cleaning of arteries, including the brain, thereby increasing the person's memory.

Do this every time your blood needs to be corrected. more  

View all 6 comments Below 6 comments
Sh. Raja .. I need elaboration on the pumpkin ....remedy two as I been recently detected with raised blood sugar + high cholesterol + triglycerides . Therefore this remedy sounds like MUSIC . Just need clarification on the variety of Pumpkin ... just to be sure . Looking forward to some guidance ... inshallah !! more  
Thanks so much. more  
Nutrition Facts Eating pineapple may produce a negative effect on your blood glucose levels. This is because pineapple is higher in sugar than other fruits. A 1/2 cup of raw pineapple chunks contains 9.28 g total carbohydrate, most of it from sugar. Out of the 9.28 g total carbohydrate, 8.13 g come from sugar and 1.15 g come from fiber. In contrast, raspberries contain 6.72 g total carbohydrate in a 1/2 cup serving.They provide one-third the amount of sugar -- 2.72 g -- and more than three times as much fiber -- 4 g -- as pineapple. more  
Wow; Thank you for sharing this secret. more  
Thank you very much for sharing this valuable information. However just wondering if Pineapple is recommended for diabetics? more  
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