If everyone of us own this movement and start from ourselves nothing more needs to be done. Few days before I was with my son in law in a car in Gurgaon and he was driving. On a red light he suddenly got out of the car and went to talk to a auto rickshaw driver in front of him. I thought may be he is taking some directions. To my surprise he went there to ask the auto driver not to spit on road. And surprisingly the auto driver promised not to do again. My wife went to make her duplicate driving license in Jaipur. As in most of such offices there was litter and garbage everywhere. She was in a dilemma whether to just ignore it as we have been doing all these years or take it up. For few minutes the hesitation continued. Finally she decided to meet some officer and take it up. The officer was very receptive an promised to get everything cleaned. He said you come tomorrow and you will see the difference (probably he thought she is some Modi aide!!!). The point is the movement has begun and let it not die. Let us all get involve in it.
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This has to be followed by the gentlemen and gentlewoman as we want see the city very clean. Campaign need to be conducted to make others to feel the importance of cleanliness.
Oct 29
Actions mentioned by you are important and should be continued/followed by all but it will not happen for the simple fact that all people are different having different needs and feelings. We all have a tendency to think that our solution is the ultimate solution. We need to develop a formal system structure including the component you have suggested to get Swachh Bharat.
Oct 29
Form a Local Circle in your city " PROFESSIONALS FOR CITY" .to replace politicians by Professionals in Civic Boy. Form groups of 4 to 10 persons in each ward and select a good well educated person to be the representative of that ward in next civic election. At present we don’t bother for Municipal elections, we just put our stamp on a candidate selected by Politicians. On the contrary people of the area should choose an honest well educated person and talk about him in your Ward. Let him contest and Win the election. When such persons will sit in Civic Body...you get answer to your concern.
Oct 29
yes it needs to take initiative by every sensible person and awakening the society step by step,Brick by brick and man to man.Revolution is started and the light of hope is ignited.
Oct 29
Great work done by your family.. last week I was in International airport Jaipur and very upset to see garbage on main lobby and I informed to airport authority and they assure me to take action.. I also warn and stop one foreign tourist doing smoking in open area.. she feel sorry and not repeat .. so we will take action our self ...not dependent on concern authority for the same..
Oct 29