IGA Nephritis

Hi, I am a 26 year old, with IGA nephritis. I seek homeopathic remedy for the same more  

I agree with both of you. I have been doing Reiki and yoga, which probably is the reason that my levels are pretty low... Just that my throat has been a sore point, ally life, and when that goes for a toss, I start passing blood and Excessive protein in my urine. However, exercising regularly and doing suryanamaskaar everyday, has really helped. But I want the problem to be cured, completely, without taking allopathic meds. Hence, wanted to reach out to any doctor who has cured people like me. I am very sure this will go away, as otherwise, I am very fit... But I feel I should give homeopathy a chance, to assist with the yoga and reiki. more  
Hi Ritika - I would honestly and solidly suggest do yoga - watch ASTHA channel in the morning hours or surf for aasans and pranayam via you tube in Patanjali web site. You take my word at your age, one should not be suffering however, what GOD has made nobody can escape. TRYST is DESTINY. I can vouch for you, you or anybody like you will not be "TREATED" but completely "CURED". You have to have faith, belief and and sincerely work. I am have been into yoga doing all on my own and learnt years back with some experts. I am 62 and do not remember ever to have taken any ALLOPATHIC medicine except for malaria (perhaps), some 30-35 years back. I 100% guaranty that only and only pranayams done in a disciplined way extending timings slowly and controling diet will show results very fast. Allopathy will have no cure but will slowly poison the body and whole metabolism will suffer. You can take homeopathy and ayurved both will help you cure faster. It will "route out the root cause" All the best and lots of blessings to you and wishing you a speedy recovery SUBBA RAO V. PALAPARTI 9999190693 more  
Homeopathy treats MAN IN DISEASE, RATHER THAN DISEASE IN MAN. Homeopathy acts together with body's natural reactions and stimulates the defense mechanism(immunity) which helps in eradicating the diseases. As the immunity level goes up, disease phenomenon as a whole goes down. Improvements can be experienced in different percentages in one/all illnesses. more  
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