I take pleasure to appraise you that M/S Parker Range Resources Australia, and their partner company M/S GnEST Inc. Canada are The exclusive License Holders for a most advance third generation “Microwave Steam Plasma (MSP) Technology”. This is a world class & most advanced “Waste Processing Technology” and which can be used with multiple feedstock (solid waste/ municipal waste/ low grade coal/ pet coke/ recycle paper cubes/construction and demolition waste etc.). The MSP, the latest plasma gasification technology, is much economical & cleaner process to treat primarily the municipal solid waste and also produce Synthesis gas, called Syngas, which is similar to natural gas and can be used either as fuel gas and also to generate steam and power. We are looking for business relationship for jointly setting up such plants in India by offering this most eco-friendly technology for Municipal Solid Waste treatment and submit the following for your considerations: (A) Most Environment Friendly, latest & Efficient Technology: We are confident to provide & bring to you and in India, the most Environment Friendly, Technically the best and a unique solution for the Municipal Solid Waste Management. Please note that we are offering the latest Microwave Steam Plasma (MSP) Gasification Technology with a comparable capital cost and also comparatively reduced operation & maintenance cost. (B) Comparing with Other Available Technologies: It may look identical to the conventional processes offered and available in the market, except the MSP Gasification, which is the key component in the whole process and makes it different and most eco-friendly. Given below is a comparative study done in respect of the amount of useful energy recovered in different waste processing technologies: Energy recovery by technology Amount of energy recovered Incineration 544 kW/ton MSW Pyrolysis 571 kW/ton MSW Pyrolysis/Gasification 685 kW/ton MSW Conventional Gasification 685 kW/ton MSW Plasma Arc Gasification 816 kW/ton MSW Microwave Steam Plasma Gasification (MSP)* 816 kW/ton MSW Please note that the Microwave Steam Plasma Gasification (MSP) in comparison to Plasma Arc Gasification will use: 1. Much less electrical energy consumption for internal use, 2. Moreover, the greatest advantage is in very low emission. Presentation & our Proposal : The technology provider and their partner Parker Range Resources (PRR) of Australia proposes to offer to set up a complete project through an unincorporated Joint Venture Company with an independent equity partner from India and that: 1. The Municipal Corporations, the User, may or may not have any upfront cost and will have a completely risk free waste processing facility exclusively dedicated to user. 2. Workout the size of the plant i.e solid waste to be treated per day. We can provide 50 ton per day to 200 ton per day waste treatment plant. A 200 TPD plant can generate 5 MW of electric power, with about 15-20 ton of waste left which can also be used in building/road construction. 3. Reduces all kinds of project risks, technology risks and operating cost overruns etc. for the User. 4. Full Performance Guarantee by the Technology developer and its associates through an agreed instrument. 5. The plant operation will be under our supervision by trained manpower and can be operated by the Indian partner and/or can be assigned to an independent O&M Company in India. 6. User may also have option for joining unincorporated JV, as an equity partner. 7. User can have the option to take over the company after a fixed period say after operation of 10 years, similar to BOLT system. 8. Further should there be green waste PRR can augment a module dedicated to converting pure green wastes in to “Bio-‐fuel” at later date or as desired. 9. We can also agree to increase the waste envelop and can accept much wider types of wastes. 10. It can be adapted to suit the location, scale and can virtually process most waste requiring while very little sorting. (E) Way Ahead: In order to make a way ahead in the proposal, we proposes to in principal agree and sign an agreement with Indian equity partner/investor and take up jointly with the users so that the: 1. Users to express their desire to explore this option and in principal agree for carrying out due diligence on technology and other facets of the proposed project. 2. Users to agree to offer exclusive rights to JV Company (or its affiliate Co.) total annual solid waste for processing at the proposed facility for over a period of 20 years or more. 3. Users also to offer land within its designated transfer station a parcel of land on lease for the life of project at free of cost. 4. Indian equity partner & Users to educate us & make us understand the taxation policy and other benefits offered by the state and the country i.e. India, in this regards. 5. User will pay the operating JV Company, an agreed cost per ton of the waste treated and with a minimum guarantee of waste supply. 6. Indian equity partner & Users to examine Taxation structure on the operating system and also on the sale of Syngas and or electricity. 7. On or before the binding agreement, PRR will commit and carry out Project Feasibility study including evaluate “waste samples and its calorific values etc.” to develop a “waste profile for acceptance” along with daily tonnage. 8. User to agree to deliver the waste at the plant location free of cost within the agreed parameters. We look forward for a personnel interaction with you & your team for making a detailed presentation and discuss the implementation modalities and also presenting a solution and operability as well as financial model as to how we are placed as one of the best to provide a total waste processing solution with financial, health and environmental benefits for the Users in India and Indian public at large. Thereafter we can jointly take up the proposal with the Municipal Corporations in different states to put up the plants under the proposed model and any other acceptable models. Meanwhile we shall be very pleased to respond to any clarifications and further inputs on the subject.