Improving State of Aviation - Solutions

Dear Friends,

Below is a summary of key solutions as identified by many of you to improve the State of Aviation in India. Kindly review them and if you find anything missing, please add to it as a comment to the post.

We will then compile all three (Issues, Root Causes, Solutions) in a whitepaper and submit it to the Ministry of Civil Aviation for their actions.

I look forward to your inputs!
Rajendra Pratap Gupta


Improving State of Indian Aviation – Key Solutions

1. Crew members should be regularly trained on customer service
2. Yearly reviews of the Air India employees should be performance based
3. All safety standards should be strictly adhered to as per international standards
4. The regulatory bodies should put a cap on the highest and lowest fare on a particular route
5. Passengers should be remunerated in case of a flight delay beyond a certain time
6. It should be the duty of the airline to keep the passengers updated with their flight status
7. Authorities should make sure that full services are offered on the promised discounted fare
8. Budget food stalls should also be opened on airports
9. Over booking of the flight should be strictly taken up by the regulatory bodies
10. Proper arrangements should be made for the physically challenged
11. Airport infrastructure on the non-metro airports should be improved
12. Consumers should be made aware of their rights as a traveller
13. Consumer complaint redressal should be quick and appropriate
14. Airline which shows the best On Time Performance should be awarded by the Ministry
15. Taxes should be rationalised
16. Jet fuel prices should be brought down in line with the crude prices
17. Air India should be privatized – Government's job is to govern, not run businesses
18. DGCA should take speedy decisions on licensing of operators more  

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body { -ms-text-size-adjust: none !important; font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} My balance: $1,000 Home               p small-text Hello, Starting in 2016, you were an early (alpha) member of our project called empowr. Well, that project evolved and became the new Along the way, we invented virtual currency and many other technologies used by all the top social media companies. Your free coins As you probably know by now, empowr is launching its own coin (like Bitcoin) and, as our way of saying Thank You to the incredible community that got us here, we're giving the first coins to you – TOTALLY FREE. Read the details Secure your free coins ► Note: Unclaimed coins will be auctioned off to the rest of the community. (As an early member, you get exclusive first access to bid on any unclaimed coins). Once again, THANK YOU. -Your friends at Your account was reserved for you in order to allocate your free coins, however you must agree to terms and validate before it can be utilized. By accessing your account via the links or buttons in this email, you're both validating your email and stipulating that you're 18 or older and are signing up having agreed with the product, terms and privacy policies. At this moment, empowr can make no guarantees about the current or future price or value of the new empowr cryptocurrency coin, or that it will be ultimately tradeable on one or more public currency exchanges. By accepting your free founder coins, you acknowledge that this offer represents a gift that can be revoked if it is found to not be legal in your state, country or jurisdiction. Vesting and other details apply. You are receiving this gift and email because you were an alpha user of the / FanBox / empowr project. You can unsubscribe here #. --> New! Download the empowr mobile app:     *This promotional email was sent to and may contain special notices or offers. To see current terms and conditions visit: FanBox Terms and Conditions. You can prevent future emails here. FanBox - 611 K Street, Suite B411, San Diego, CA 92101, USA more  
Air India service many times are lacking in manners in international travel.The service to non Indians specially whites is different and are very discourteous to Indians,response to needs very casual to rule some times. Sudden ,flash strikes in the staff has made us weary of air India ,sudden cancellation of flights are common and their response is very poor to customers in case of emergencies. This must be pointed in their behavioural training. more  
1. Crew members should be regularly trained on customer service = Nothing new in this. 2. Yearly reviews of the Air India employees should be performance based = Never Implemented though written many times. In fact there should NOT be any permanent job, then only Indian react, this should include the MD, CMD, Directors & Manager first to start with. 3. All safety standards should be strictly adhered to as per international standards = Nothing new in this. Make it a criminal offense & penalized for 2-3 years even for minor offence. Indians are the worst safety violators. 4. The regulatory bodies should put a cap on the highest and lowest fare on a particular route = No polical will on this. Cancellation fee is Rs. 3000. Hyderabad-Chennai ticket is Rs. 5000, At festival times it goes to Rs. 15,000 Do you see any red herring in it ?? 5. Passengers should be remunerated in case of a flight delay beyond a certain time. current standard is 3 hrs delay. It does not happen. Infact there should be heavy penalty on the airlines. If a student during admission drops out, or changes college, he has to pay Rs. 5 lacs as penalty to the college/university. When we have such stupid clauses for education, why not for airlines ? 6. It should be the duty of the airline to keep the passengers updated with their flight status = Indians are never bothered to inform. Delay over ONE hour heavy penalties i.e. 3 times the ticket cost, should be charged & airlines have to pay 5 x cost of fully booked flight to govt, if it is due to pilot or airlines mistake. 7. Authorities should make sure that full services are offered on the promised discounted fare. Cannot be implemented. 8. Budget food stalls should also be opened on airports. First reduce the premium charged to these shops who have to charge back to consumers. First change the policy & then implement. 9. Over booking of the flight should be strictly taken up by the regulatory bodies, Put penalties for all such cancelled or deferred tickets 5x times the original cost. 10. Proper arrangements should be made for the physically challenged = already in place. 11. Airport infrastructure on the non-metro airports should be improved = vague suggestion. 12. Consumers should be made aware of their rights as a traveller = consumers are aware, but govt is not implementing for it is in understanding with the airlines. 13. Consumer complaint redressal should be quick and appropriate = Consumer boards = are non existent. They exist on paper only. 14. Airline which shows the best On Time Performance should be awarded by the Ministry = NO need for this. drop this idea. 15. Taxes should be rationalised 16. Jet fuel prices should be brought down in line with the crude prices 17. Air India should be privatized – Government's job is to govern, not run businesses 18. DGCA should take speedy decisions on licensing of operators more  
body { -ms-text-size-adjust: none !important; font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} My balance: $1,000 Home               p small-text Hello, Starting in 2016, you were an early (alpha) member of our project called empowr. Well, that project evolved and became the new Along the way, we invented virtual currency and many other technologies used by all the top social media companies. Your free coins As you probably know by now, empowr is launching its own coin (like Bitcoin) and, as our way of saying Thank You to the incredible community that got us here, we're giving the first coins to you – TOTALLY FREE. Read the details Secure your free coins ► Note: Unclaimed coins will be auctioned off to the rest of the community. (As an early member, you get exclusive first access to bid on any unclaimed coins). Once again, THANK YOU. -Your friends at Your account was reserved for you in order to allocate your free coins, however you must agree to terms and validate before it can be utilized. By accessing your account via the links or buttons in this email, you're both validating your email and stipulating that you're 18 or older and are signing up having agreed with the product, terms and privacy policies. At this moment, empowr can make no guarantees about the current or future price or value of the new empowr cryptocurrency coin, or that it will be ultimately tradeable on one or more public currency exchanges. By accepting your free founder coins, you acknowledge that this offer represents a gift that can be revoked if it is found to not be legal in your state, country or jurisdiction. Vesting and other details apply. You are receiving this gift and email because you were an alpha user of the / FanBox / empowr project. You can unsubscribe here #. --> New! Download the empowr mobile app:     *This promotional email was sent to and may contain special notices or offers. To see current terms and conditions visit: FanBox Terms and Conditions. You can prevent future emails here. FanBox - 611 K Street, Suite B411, San Diego, CA 92101, USA more  
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