Indian Legal System
1) Can a judge of the HC admit a case simply on the basis of it being a matter of an earlier reversed judgement of the appellate court against that of the lower court, rather than giving a decision on it after having heard out both the parties? If yes, then why not give the judgement by him/herself thus avoiding the dragging of the case for years and years? If no, then what should one do about it?
2) Does the interest on amount awarded by the lower court then accrue over the years(10-15-20-30 years) even though the delay is entirely on the part of the courts and system? Or is the interest payable considered as per the initial award only and nothing more than that, however number of years having had elapsed until final verdict?
3) If interest keeps accruing,though no fault of the party concerned, can one file an appeal immediately/later for a stay on further accrual of interest citing reasons? Procedure for doing this please?
Awaiting you expert advise.Any previous case judgement for reference please? Thank you all. more