Industrial Waste - Inputs on Solutions

Dear all:

Below are the Root Causes as outlined by you for the current state of Industrial Waste.

Based on them, kindly help identify specific Solutions to them. Please respond to this post and submit your views as comments.

Thanks for your participation!
Ministry of Urban Development


State of Industrial Waste – Root Causes

1. There is lack of awareness amongst the citizens/workers on the hazards posed by industrial waste
2. Non-existing waste separation plants
3. Effluent treatment plants are set up but are mostly non-functional or working below capacity due to maintenance/operational issues
4. There is very poor monitoring & regulations of industries which are in remote & far-flung areas
5. Making profits is the sole motive without any consideration for the impact on the environment
6. The Government does not have strict and well researched modern laws for industrial cleanliness, controlling and punishment systems setup
7. No emphasis on research into conversion of waste to harmless or useful materials
8. No encouragement for setting up public or private sector waste conversion industries.
9. No monitoring of existing waste conversion industries
10. No compulsory reporting to shareholders of waste produced
11. The pollution monitoring agency namely 'Pollution Control Board' (PCB) is ineffective / inadequate in its operations and even the Board itself is polluted due to the nexus with industry people or politicians
12. The production processes are not scientific, out dated and ineffective and lead to pollution
13. Location of unauthorised industries/small scale units and their processes are not monitored
14. Recycling concept is not effectively followed
15. Use of raw materials, which do not degrade completely in the industrial process and result in residues
16. Conversion of industrial wastes for other uses is not fully explored
17. Industrial effluents are discharged during rains or nearby water courses
18. The ill effects caused to soil and water is not bothered and the production of crops affected.
19. Industrial wastes pollute air and cause discomfort to human life
20. Most industries are not serious about waste management
21. Lack of strict enforcement and compliance with corruption being a key issue. Environment clearance certificates are obtained with bribes.
22. Municipal authorities lack resources and the will to enforce more  

View all 139 comments Below 139 comments
Idustry administration must be responsible to dispose of thier waste properly. Maheshjani in google search under the same search) more  
Meter consumption of water by using digital water meter on all water sources . This is already being used in Gujarat. The data from the meter can be recorded by authorities and is tamper-proof.This should be made compulsory. Annual return by occupier citing water consumption and its mass balance . Monthly sampling of treated effluent / sewage by authorized agencies. A second tier of reputed agencies may audit these sampling agencies periodically. Periodic 24 hr ambient air sampling . Uniform standard color coding for storage/ handling of solid waste categories across the country. Enumerate authorized agencies for disposal of plastic waste / hazardous waste. Comprehensive scheme on audit of purchase / use /disposal of plastics/ chemicals / hazardous material. Declaration by occupier on number of air exhausts and stacks. Automated monitoring for all air exhausts and stacks. Reward for complying industries. Make occupier accountable for breaches. more  
corruption should be removed first, then next things should be taken. more more  
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