Inputs Needed for Budget 2015-16
With this post we invite inputs from you for Budget 2015-16.
Below are some examples of specific inputs. We would greatly appreciate if your inputs follow the format below and are as specific as possible.
We will compile the final collective budget inputs document and share with everyone. The same will be sent to Minister of State for Finance and Minister of Finance for consideration.
We look forward to your participation!
Rajendra Pratap Gupta
Sample Specific Budget Inputs
1. Abolish 500, 1000 Rupee notes. Ensure all high value transaction are conducted through banking system cheque, draft, electronic
2. Include Petroleum Products as items of importance in Section 14 (Sales Tax Act) leading to 3-4% CST/VAT on Petrol/Diesel.
3. Increase the tax exemption limit to 5 lakhs for the salaried
4. Increase the limit of exemption section 80 C
5. Increase the exemption limit of medical reimbursement from INR15000 to INR 50000
6. Revise the exemption of interest paid on housing loan
7. Simplify taxes. Introduce GST and abolish other taxes.
8. Increases taxes on luxury items like alcohol, private air charter travel, imported cars
9. Curb exports of commodities that are in shortage domestically
10. Classify food trucks differently and ensure they move through city/state borders faster. more