It is the resolve..
If we look into Arvind's past activities (his NGO), he was engaged in getting things done for people from various Government bodies, which otherwise needed bribes and unending persuasive means for the needed outcomes. This very engagement has revealed him the vastness as to how the vice of corruption has spread like an infectious disease in all of us. Having perceived more than what each of us perceives, Arvind took the resolve to fight till the ground is cleaned and the habit of corruption is checked.
Just imagine if the habit of corruption becomes non-functional our lives will be better at least by two folds with the current resources, systems, and processes. Actually, benefits by multiple factors would be easy with a little sharing, caring and collaboration once the vice of corruption is made to get suppressed.
Ghandhiji had the resolve to have the British removed from India. He was thrown off the train in South Africa by the whites. The incident was so hard hitting that he was stubbornly stubborn till the British were driven out of India for ever. He never had any desire to be the supreme power holder through politics. It was only the particular stubborn resolve.
I am not comparing Gandhiji with Arvind Kejriwal based on today's balance sheet. Only I am trying to project the similarity of the directions of resolves.
We all visualize with our limited perceptions and use words to paint Arvind's picture in our habitual frame work. But if we analyze some traits we'll find that his basics are different. He is fearless, not bothered for the chair or posh life styles, he is determined to relentlessly traverse whatever traditional or non-traditional means that may come handy to pursue his goal and so on. Remove the framework of your judgment, you'll be able to see the portrait from different angles and Arvind's vision will be straight forwardly understood.
We try to make two plus two equal to four in our ground of limited vision of common experience. Whenever we find it is not happening we feel uneasy and cry foul. The game Arvind is playing is different and if we try to see from his platform we'll surely find reasons and meaning to be with him for our own benefits to be reaped subsequently. more