It is very unfortunate that Prime Minister of the Country has to take initiative to sensitise, the people all over the country, about the importance of cleanliness, and start a program known as 'Swatch Bharat'. I see people throwing garbage on the streets instead of throwing in the dust bin. The dust bins are not emptied regularly by municipal authorities. Even if they empty the dust bins, the solid waste is disposed off, in most unscientific manner. The liquid effluents from domestic, commercial and industrial establishments are let into open and over flowing sewers, without any concern. Gaseous emissions? that is another story. Who is doing all this? Me, you and every body else!!!! Let me correct myself first. I promise I will do it!!! more
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Every town village has bullock carts, rikshas and under utilized vehicles of all sorts. If we can attach small basket two wheel carts to them and haul garbage to central vacant lot outside the township it can be burned and converted to electricity. It has to be street by street effort by the residents living in that street. With india's population no amount of dustbins and municipal employees would do. If you are living in an area you must contribute 5 hours a week of srama dan to the community (or street). They themselves can police there roads for cleanliness. The government way will lead to corruption, needless siphoning of tax payers money that is needed for more essential things. more
Oct 30
As Mr.Goli Venkat Reddy mentioned, i see most of the people throwing garbage on the streets.We should increase number of dustbins on the road and many should be available in most people-accessible areas. more
Oct 30