Jobs and Economic Growth – Inputs Required on Root Causes

Dear Friends:

Thank you for taking the time to share issues related to Jobs and Economic Growth.

These are some of the issues outlined by you:

1. INR is getting weaker against international currencies
2. Goods and services are becoming costlier
3. Unemployment rate is high
4. Not enough new jobs created in the market
5. New graduates do not have enough skills
6. Older factories have been closing
7. Sentiments are very low in power/infrastructure sector
8. Project approvals are very slow
9. Many ‘governmental’ hurdles in starting a new business
10. The SME sector is not given due importance
11. Pay does not rise proportionately with price rise /Inflation
12. No minimum pay law
13. Village youth exodus to the metros
14. Infrastructure lacking in villages
15. Agricultural practices have not been sustainable

If there is an issue missing, kindly post it as a comment to this post. Let us move forward and root cause these so we can figure out what is driving the challenges on the jobs and economic growth front.

Once we know the Root Causes, we will start the Solutions discussion in a separate post.

Thank you again for your participation.

Rajendra Pratap Gupta
Bharatiya Janata Party more  

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Invite FDI,start make in India,modernise existing factories,create more jobs and export more finished goods,find alternative energy source like solar,wind etc and even nuclear energy.Dismantle all thermal power plants and us liquid coal to produce energy if necessary.Develop skills.Improve agriculture and bring all small holdings under cooperative farming.Use solar power extensively in agricultural operations. more  
At present there are enough laws to protect the SSI units but this is handled and managed by corrupt endearments. For ex the various benefits due to SSi units are never made known to them except when approached directly. All benefit giving circulars are not automatically given except for price. The tax departments are harsh in dealing with business people and to any professional who seeks up to date information on latest circulars or concessions and they stick on to old ones. As a result of their tyrannical behavior the govt get s a bad name. Service tax and central excise is one example which is handled by inexperienced central excise officials who view any business unit as dishonest and are interested to only harass them by using the multivarious old circulars only known to them.There dealings are harsh and irritates the business community and hence it should be removed from them and given to some other authority. All tax department should be told that they are equally responsible to help and create more business units instead of destroying them by show cause notices and summons.These irritates business people and hence these procedures are to be removed forthwith and discussions should be held with only with authorised representatives at any time. At no time any destraint proceedings should be instituted by tax officials as long as the units give employment to unskilled persons. If any unit happened to be closed due to making them insolvent by levying heavy taxes explanations has to be called from the department. more  
> Subject: Lutyens Media's Leftist bias evident in 1st Anniversary Interviews of Modi Ministers > > Lutyens Media’s Leftist bias evident in 1st Anniversary Interviews of Modi Ministers > > Modi's GovernanceNiti Commentary Author: S Sudhir Kumar - June 6, 2015 > Much has been written about the 365 days of Modi sarkar. This is the most analysed (or over analysed) 1 year for any government that led India in the past. I was following a few interviews on TV, and read a few interviews in print. These interviews were given by the Prime Minister, senior Cabinet ministers and senior MoS (holding independent charges). > > These TV interviews once again exposed the hollow nature of discourse these people impose upon the viewers. > > Aaj Tak / India Today > > Rajdeep Sardesai was interviewing Ananth Kumar, the minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers of our country. More than half of the interview is *not* related to Ananth Kumar’s ministry at all! For the few minutes that Ananth Kumar is explaining about what his ministry is doing, Rajdeep cuts him short and demands a yes-no answer, reducing the interview to trivialities. > > For example, Ananth Kumar was explaining about how the government has bought in neem-coated urea to avoid pilferation of the subsidised Urea. Out of nowhere, Rajdeep brings in the “suit-boot ki sarkar” jibe of Rahul Gandhi into the picture and seeks a yes-no answer from the minister. At another instance, Rajdeep wants an assurance from the minister that the Urea prices will never be increased in the next 4 years. The minister assures him, but Rajdeep says not enough! Rajdeep repeats the suit-boot ki sarkar jibe more than the sum of all Congress spokespersons put together! > > Prasoon Bajpai interviews Ravi Shankar Prasad and for half the time focuses on issues outside of the Communication Ministry. Note the arrogance of Bajpai when he says the Insurance schemes announced are of no use, because they benefit people only after their death! No questions on the shortfalls in Digital India, what the expansion plans of Digital India are or anything that is of consequence from the Communication Ministry! > > Rajdeep Sardesai interviews Smriti Irani – goes with zero preparation and gets reverse-bombarded with facts that reveal his ignorance. This 25 minute interview reveals all that is bad with TV journalism today. This zero respect towards facts is what defines TV journalism today. This interview has been widely discussed and dissected, so will not probe any further into it. > > Ashok Singhal and Anjana Om Kashyap get to interview Smriti Irani. One of the irate audience questions Aaj Tak as to why questions related to her ministry are not being posed to her. The anchor gets angry and tells the audience that this is not *their* interview. Ashok Singhal passes a sexist comment – the entire media fraternity goes silent. The entire Left-Lib gang goes silent. The silence is so deafening that it exposed the true nature of this ilk. > > The only interview that came close to focusing on one ministry is this interview of Karan Thapar with Prakash Javadekar – 16 minutes for Environment; 8 minutes for the same generic issues that have been beaten to death! > > NDTV > > Minister for Environment, Prakash Javdekar is invited to a townhall. 5 journalists are enlisted to question him. For a very long time, none of them even talk to him about the environment. All 5 of them are either busy arguing amongst themselves, or bringing up topics like the governments communication strategy and foreign trips of the PM! It took a non-journalist to ask an environment related question to the Environment Minister of the country! > > Nitin Gadkari is the ministry of Road Transport, Shipping and Highways. In a 55 minute townhall interaction, he is asked a question related to Transport sector at the 50th minute! The initial part has discussion on Land Bill (which has bearing on his ministry). Most of the other part is loaded with questions that are not in anyway related to Mr. Gadkari’s ministry! No questions on Shipping; No questions on Highways; No questions on the National Waterway bills. > > Contrast that to this interview of Gadkari on ABP news – quite some focus on matters related to his ministry and allegations against him (of course the mandatory Rahul Gandhi question had to be thrown in here too). > > Nirmala Seetharaman is the ministry of Commerce and Industry. The same questions on foreign trips, Land Bill are repeated here too – with a very few questions thrown around about the commerce ministry as a whole. > > A common thread to these townhalls were the repetitive questions – despite each and every minister clarifying the exact same question multiple times. Take for example the Land Acquisition Bill – same question – what about the perception that this is anti-farmer. Not a single farmer on the show – but somehow we are to believe majority of the farmers are against this bill. The ministers clarify, point by point. Yet, this is again repeated in the next show. If more journalists join, the more merrier the questioning becomes! Repeated questions on the Prime Minister’s foreign trips and his utterances. Why can’t these folks move on, once answers have been given. What is the point in repeating the questions again and again and again? > > Contrast these to some of the very detailed print interviews of the Prime Minister himself (1, 2, 3 and 4) ; of Nitin Gadkari (1, 2. Also this ABP news interview is decent); of Piyush Goyal; press conference of Sushma Swaraj; TV shows simply wasted their energy – and even after getting repeated clarifications, they will still continue to ask the same question in future interviews too! Like I have been saying for a very long time, we the viewers deserve better. > > COMMENTS > > Sandi Rich · Top Commenter · Chief Empowerment Officer at Personal Financial Planner > So true.I have stopped watching these interviews where Modi bashing in the ONLY agenda. Media, the so called self appointed doyens of TV 'journalism' are so blatant in their hatred of the present government that even when facts are staring them in the face they will ignore and or dismiss them focusing on non issues. They are of the opinion that the viewsers are lobotomized and they can feed then any crap. In thier self oponiated, Im the best, scramble to maintian their much touted, not substabtiated, so called viewers rating to remain top of the heap (Which most English langauage tout 24/7) these pompous ignoromuses have turned into clowns who have failed to be even the slightest bit amusing. On another note one woudl think that the losers non enttites (the oppostion) are in power, as their views are solicted on ALL matters. > Reply · > · · 4 · Yesterday at 8:20pm > · > Umesh Sharma · Top Commenter · Central College, Bangalore > It would be a shame to call them journalists.They are what we call Supari journalists slanting their pen to suit their paying masters.They have consistently shown their bias.Before the 2014 elections they had persistently attacked harassed and hounded Modi for the Gujarat episode despite the fact that the highest legal authority of the land the Supreme court had cleared him of any wrongdoings .Now they have to accept the fact that they have to cover his activities as that the main focus of the country.Even then they do not want to give up their prejudice as PM Modi has shown them their place by directly contacting the people through the social media and Man Ki Baat.He does not allow them any interview.So when they get an opportunity they try to spit out the bile by their biased attitude making the interview a mockery. > Reply · > · · 3 · 17 hours ago > · > Radhakrishnan Parameswaran · Top Commenter · Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu > One need to corner these interviewing guys like Smriti Irani. Make them bllody fools. The one question they should ask these journalists is "what way it is related to my ministry?" and go on to say that what is that - that has not been asked in the Parliament you are aksing? Because the answer is already there for every one to know. It is really sad that these so called Senior Journalists and Consultants ask such silly questions and repeat it endlesslessly as if they are trying to extract something to break the news. Shame. > Reply · > · · 2 · 15 hours ago > · > Ashok Kamal > Sad state of Pressitudes in India. They are self serving & to their masters who pay them ( Congress in chief & anti national forces. > Reply · > · · 2 · 17 hours ago > · > Venkataraman Balayogi · Top Commenter · Works at Self-Employed > NDA Government must be courageous, impartial and expose everyone. Why government is encouraging and is afraid of media mafia. > > 1. I would not blame the media. I blame the Government for not probing the scam of spending Tax payers’ money and taking a select group of Private Media houses during UPA along with PM MMS on foreign trips. File the case of misuse of tax payers’ money, favoring a few media houses and book them. > > 2. Why should any minister agree for a media interview? > > 3. As long as BJP is not going to have enough channels and news papers it is not going to progress. > > 4. Every regional party in TN has more than 3 to 4 channels. > > 5. Every minister and ministry must tweet, post in FB in personal name as well as ministry name activities on a daily basis so that these bluff and diversion are exposed. > > 6. Start in every local language a small newspaper along with many blogs, FB groups etc the very name of them must be Media Lies' and expose them. > > 7. What ineffective government that BJP is that it is not able to pin the media mafia nexus of tmedia's pay masters. > > 8. Media is India's greatest anti -national institutions especially just 5 or 6 and the best part is all of them are corrupt. > > 9. Why has NDTV been left just with a fine of 2 crores? The penalty is for non disclosure of tax amount of over 500 cr evaded by NDTV > SEBI today imposed a penalty of Rs 2 crore on New Delhi Television Ltd (NDTV) for delayed disclosures to the stock exchanges about a Rs 450-crore tax demand in early 2014. > > 10. Why there is no publicity about it? > > 11. Even Sensationalism is also selective for popular media. These are not news of national importance in one case a question of pride and in another a shame. Hidden in small column of regional news, women empowerment exposed. Popular media print and audio visual cannot make these as national news because that may offend their pay masters but let us spread this and make it go viral > Maharastra > > Karnataka > [only in Bangalore edition] > > 12. 4 or 5 media houses are conducting more trails and delivering more judgments on all issues than all the courts in India put together including on judicial activism when judiciary is not favoring them; preach on parliamentary over reach when parliament wants a panel to appoint judges; blame bureaucratic hurdles when funds of their pay masters get delayed; criticize government corporate nexus; condemn police excess but media mafia , misuse and its lobbies always take umbrage under press freedom. > > 13. > > 14. > > 15. > Reply · > · · 18 hours ago > · > Ramachandran Madhavan Nair · Top Commenter · Government Polytechnic,Kalamassery > I stopped watching TIMES NOW, NDTV, AajTak versions in Hindi or English. I pray to almighty God that. > 1.Doorknob Goswamy argue with the Devil and the Devil gather enough sanitray napkins in his mouth and tape him. Welcome Devil. > 2.Rajdeep Sardesai be punished by God to clean up all diarrhea patients as he himself is one with a wife whose voice can be heard in Bangalore with out the help of radio or TV. > 3.Rahul Kanwal is mistaken for a transgender and kidnapped by some people and take him on a bus that follow the "nirbhaya" route. He will be "India's Son" > 4.Shekhar Gupta's benami properties are confiscated and donated to an NGO who helps old news paper collecting raddiwalas. Like "Sulab Shouchalaya", the NGO may be named as "Sekhar Gupta" foundation. > 5. An Arab businessman find the "vocal" superiority of Ms.Boorkha Dutt and giver her a visa to work in Qatar by opening Al Jazeera 2. 90% achievement for "swatch bharat". > 6. Nidhi Razdan being transfered to J&K so that she does not have to travel too much after the night show. Close to her would be husband. > > On my honor I swear to God that these are only my wishes and nothing more > more  
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The manufacturing sector in India faces following disadvantages, which reduce its competitiveness against the goods produced in other industrialized economies: • Federal setup with multiple taxes, which become a part of the cost • Federal setup with multiple regulations and restriction on free inter-state movement of goods with resultant higher transaction costs • Higher electricity tariffs and need to maintain back up power plants • Poor infrastructure resulting in higher logistic costs and inventories • Higher financing costs • Lack of trained manpower resulting in training costs • Corruption in the system resulting in diversion of managerial resources and higher transaction costs Reasonable Tariff Protection Through Customs Duty Structure The object of Customs duty should be to provide due protection to the domestic industry, promote domestic value addition and thereby stimulate economic and industrial activity in the country. The consistent Tariff protection needs to be provided for at least a period of 10 years to attract employment generating investments in medium to large industrial undertakings. The past experience shows that a stable and favourable tariff structure in the automobile sector has generated employment in India through setting up of manufacturing facilities with increase in the local content of the automobiles assembled in India. Tax Laws Discourage Import Substitution for Export Present domestic tax structure (CST and Excise Duty) on the procurement of inputs for export production discourages sourcing from the domestic market with consequent imports. The anomaly in tax structure, results in under utilization of the domestic production capacity and lower value addition for export products. No Formal System for Seeking Clarifications on Tax Laws When There is Lack of Clarity in Such Laws and oppressive and unfair tax system There is no institutional mechanism for making representations and providing clarifications on tax laws in a time bound manner so as to resolve the tax dispute at inception stage. There is no accountability of tax officials when they pass orders, which are contrary to the instructions issued by the Central Board of Direct Taxes or Central Board of Excise and Customs There is no accountability of tax officials when they pass orders, which are contrary to the law interpreted by the higher appellate forums or High Courts or the Supreme Court There is no institutional mechanism to address the grievances of the tax payer when revenue officers act in defiance of the instructions issued by the respective boards or the order of the higher appellate forums, High Courts or the Supreme Court. Ombudsmen appointed are retired revenue officers who do not generate confidence of tax payer. Further, the grievances, which can be addressed by Ombudsman are limited. Therefore, the entire system of redressing grievances through Ombudsman needs to be reviewed. The aforesaid features of tax system create uncertainty in the minds of investors and discourages investment with long payback period. PROPOSED IMMEDIATE ACTIONS • Increase the rates of basic customs duty on goods of mass consumption, consumer durables and intermediate goods as recommended above. • The duty rates may be increased after wider consultations and balancing the interest of manufacturers and consumers. • The revised rates should be maintained for a period of 5 to 10 years. • No further free Trade Agreements should be signed by India for next ten years. • Existing FTA may be reviewed in accordance with the Agreement and the concessions, which are impeding the growth of manufacturing in India, should be phased out. • The revenue generated from increased customs duties may be used for paying compensation to the States for loss on account on lowering of CST rate and any revenue loss on account of introduction of GST. more  
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