Judicial Extravaganza

Judicial Extravaganza

India is overburdened with court cases and courts cannot or may not be able to expedite cases unless the large no of judges are not appointed. Though this demand is 50 years old we are still thinking and shall keep thinking. In future there shall be still more cases and even if we increase no of judges the perpetual backlog would never end and perhaps the judiciary may become a largest turnover in the country with courts and lawyers everywhere.
Is it a matter of pride to have more court of law or we plug the influx of unwanted litigations and teach the people of India to come out of a mad ego and behave according to the what is required. Land disputes settled instantly or take over land by central govt. and stop sale of land but lease out for 50 years and end up ownership. Transfer of lease through govt. office without involving sale directly. Land returned to govt. and govt. lease out to member in Que. One family one house. Corrupt caught red handed terminated after thee day verification by local magistrate. Govt. machinery purchases not on payments but on lease. Govt. projects only to Indian multinationals through auctions in presence of company representatives. Property rates calculated to fix manufacturing price and sealed to cost same from village to Delhi no land dealing. Rent or hire same throughout country and per sq. foot fixed. Cybercrime investigation handed over to Indian multinationals and offenders punished by police only confiscation of property and recommended jail directly. Human rights laws rewritten from crime psychologists and not lawyers. Courts cases free at lower court but reparation from culprits. Rapist cases denied appeal. Hang till death quick and not 25 years for permission from executives.
Ninety percent cases should drop and courts attain a respectable status, judges do not come to tears due to rotten system and wicked politics. more  

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Who is expected to implement our suggestions? They who have the power to implement all the good suggestions are the most corrupt brigade. Even if their are a few good men they are helpless and by the time they reach the top they get seasoned to corruption. more  
FEAR IS THE KEY should be the motto to punish the guilty and to prevent repeat offences committing the crime again and again.WHO WILL BELL THE CAT is the question to all our criminals.ONE solution I suggest is that any person arrested for any criminal activity after due verification should be HAND CAGED This is that the person cannot use ONE HAND till the case is settled,secondly all persons to be given bail with a surety,secondly they should daily come to the local police station and sign the register.convicted criminals also should be HAND CAGED FOR PUNISHMENT PERIOD, if this happens most of the crimes will not be committed and courts ,police and public can be free from criminal activities.INDIA WILL BE CRIME FREE NATION . more  
No case should be prolonged more than a year. Min 6 months and Max 12 months. Failure to appear to the court my advocates, fine should be paid to the court. The lawyer stretching the case for their benefit, should pay the respondent. Lawyer creating unnecessary strike license should be cancelled and removed from bar council. justices delayed is justice denied. more  
It really matters little if the law is new or old, when police is a misnomer of defacto legal arm of criminals, both politicians and mafia. It would be suitable to call them criminal escorts. more  
India still follows the Police Law of British Govt. When the Police and law was to help the British Govt.& vice versa.The laws is not amended after liberation of India till date i.e. to help honest & peace loving citizens. more  
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