The honourable pride of women and “ Family “ in India that were carried and placed at the Top of the whole Society with the integrity concept of == JUSTICE , MORAL , SOCIAL , and GOODNESS as well as the concern of Safe , pleasant , guaranteed and Secured status of life for Women IS TO BE THE SOLE CONCERN OF THE AMENDMENTS ADOPTING SUCH VIEW POINT . This requires the other pertinent and relevant laws to be amended with specific narrations removing all possible loop-holes ; but , adding the S.C. Directions already available in the Court Record . This will also tender Repel of certain laws/Sections in force . The precautionary measure definitely need prompt formulation of Uniform Civil Laws to remove the increasing agonies due to various obstacles/hurdles . If we suggest the first Reform on the issue of Marital Life & Family in India , much will befit the whole society and also leads to a better awareness as who the English Law & those of other countries making India diluted , devalued and deteriorated with the concept of corruptive practices . I am of the opinion that the following 2 issues are the prime issues in the first step for Reforms . 1.Our learned lawyers concluded in 1954 itself that Women in the country were so situated that special legislation was required in order to protect them , and the law takes a sympathetic and charitable view of the weakness of women in this country . Further concluded that the wife do not have right to prosecute her husband who has committed adultery with another woman and ; if the husband has sexual relations with an unmarried woman with the result that husbands have , as it were , a free licence under the law to have extra-marital relationship with unmarried women . But , neither the wife nor the husband were addressed with the requisite address or redress at the concluded concept of either inabilities or the issue of security in the Family . The negligence in locating and identifying the illegal sexual intercourse / sexual immorality of women has been creating an uproar and deep injustice to the men and their whole families and many times , such are being resulted in either suicide or opting illegal activities an even those fall under DVA . Certainly , it is the moral right of husband under conjugal rights But , the legal recognition of the exempts under the immoral, indecent and poisonous issue of “ the consent of woman “ is the root cause of many atrocities and agonies . 2.The issue of Brothal Houses that are run by Men were controlled while these Brothal Houses are being run by Women in many places for continuance of prostitution BEST USING THE LEGALIZED ISSUE OF “ CONSENT AT SAFE CORNER “ . Adultery / Debauching / illegal Sexual intercourse / Detention / Sex Crimes / Sexual immorality / illicit intercourse / illicit cohabitation Etc., etc., ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES UNDER THE SINGLE POISONOUS CRITERIA “ CONSENT OF WOMEN “ OR , MEN “ HAVE BEEN IN CARRY IN AN UNENDING ILLICIT PRACTICE . This issue is the main devastating sedition in the issue of Family in Concept India and becoming the seizing element of conjugal rights and safety in the society DILUTING AND DEVIATING THE OBJECT OF THE GREAT INTEREST AND TIME INVESTED BY OUR LAW COMMISSIONERS WHO EXERCISED THE MIGHT TO SAVE INDIAN WOMEN FROM THE ENGLISH LAWS THAT HAD TO BE CONTINUED . Instead , they might have taken another a year or two to set it rightly , and conclude the inevitable safe provisions for the Family i.e., the Wife and Husband in India eliminating the poisonous social evils of CONSENT , EXEMPTED ADULTERY . They should have applied the policy of the then Social Reform of authorising Widow marriage like the marriage of widower keeping the issue mandatory that should have ERADICATED ALL THE ILLS AND EVILS TO THE WOMEN IN INDIA ; FEMALE IN INDIA ; AND , DEFINITELY , THE MEN AND MALE IN INDIA . The most important is that , Indian Men and Women , Male and Female , Teens and of tender-age shall not be cornered or set for devastation through the evils and ills with the Laws of Rule and even the Rule of Law . It becomes a must to refer the Clause {f} of Article 51- A that envisages “ to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavor and achievement “ .