Key GSTN Issues

The GSTN site won’t open or if it opens, navigating it for a transaction is near impossible.

If an invoice has line items with multiple tax rates, GSTN doesn’t accept it. The system takes only the first line as valid and the rest as duplicate.

The same issue plagues credit and debit notes. If a credit or debit note is issued with multiple tax rates and multiple invoice references, the system generates multiple line items to match one such note.

The upload happens on the site in a specific file format called the json. Generating this format has its own complications, and currently a lot of time is being spent on this format compliance.

It is very difficult to move between screens without either losing data or rekeying a lot of data, and there are many users and scenarios which require such a navigation. For example, if a user is checking input credit from one supplier and wants to check the GST numbers of suppliers to understand which supplier this input credit belongs to, it is not possible to do so without losing already keyed in data.

The customers almost always ask for modifications of details until the last day of filing. One party representing a single side of a two-sided transaction cannot suo moto upload the details of the invoice on the GSTN. The other side has to agree as well. The GSTN process flow does not account for these practical challenges.

There have been problems with security too. Some users have complained that they are seeing data from other businesses when they login.

GST Council meeting has become another event to fear. Constant changes are becoming distracting rather than comforting because the underlying infrastructure is misbehaving. And then there is the question of changing and updating tax rates on different goods.

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It will be take atleast a year or two to streamline the GST, and Tally is not solution for all GST issues it will work better only for few issues and customised reports other than gst requirments is not possible in Tally and everybody advises about Tally for GST just to boost Tally sales, for each customised report you need to pay seperately and it is under running cost as you need pay every year subscription fees and if any gap then you will be in soup !! coming to back GST, it is rather very complex tax system and why dealer has to pay tax for reverse charge though lakhs of rupees available as input credit, this is sure nuesance and even now there are lakhs of traders in small towns never issue bill !! and they say they are under exemption limit !!! which is big lie as 20-50 lacs turnover with 20-30 margin is peanut for a trader who makes 10 times from other source (ie., without issuing bills) and you cannot trace each one as India is vastly spread with small cities/towns where tax authorities doesn't have a base to check the illegality!! secondly for traders what way hsn code helps him and from where he has to find the same, experts like CA/CW/CS'/tax consultants/officials say search hsn chapters to get the code but those chapters itself has got same product under diff hsn codes with diff tax rates, it is very impossible task to make hsn code mandatory for traders/retailers/dealers who never hard such thing in the past half century of doing their business !!! hsn code is known to only those factory/business house where exciseable goods manufactured and for trader it is a nightmare, and last GST website god only has help to work it properly as the duedate fast approches the site starts hoovering in question !! so before making any cahnge in tax system the concerned offcials/dept should study practically taking into account practical issues rather than mandatory with few tax rates clubbed under 1-3 groups(hsn codes) to make the life easier for traders, things will improve or else it will be big failure in near future !!!!!!!!
Dear Sir Also please also go through this. This is an important advisory from Tally if you deal in invoices with multiple tax rates. We understand that there might be an issue with the latest version of the offline utility tool (V1.2) when it is importing invoices having multiple rates.This can potentially lead to an erroneous return which you will not be able to discover while filing. Under such circumstances, we urge you to use the earlier version of the tool (V1.1) for extracting the required JSON file to be used for filing. You can download the same from this link. Please note that this is a suggestion by us in your best interests. Please do take necessary care while filing. Issued in tax payer interest by Tally Solutions!
Clearly, the GST return filing system is not fool proof and user friendly. It's designed by some bureaucratic minds without considering practical aspects of involving +65 lakh businesses across the country with internet connectivity of varying quality across regions. They should have had separate state level servers for initial filing by the businesses. The data from state servers could have been synced with the central server during the night or off peak hours to avoid inconvenience to return filers and ensure meeting of deadlines. This would have helped in distributing the load on the network.
It seems to become friendly with GST India will take much time to adapt to it. If whole of the require files for comparison or attachmnet could be converted to Xl files the operations would be easy especially to match input credits( can be done by V LOOK UP). Authorities have to think on different lines to come over these difficulties. It is better if they hear lest the very purpose of introduction of GST will become a failure.
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