Knee Problem

My mother aged 45 years is having knee pain. She is unable to walk or stand for long, say 5-10mins even. She has even consulted doctors in AIIMS/CMC Vellore/PGIMS Lucknow but of no use .They have told that knee bone is getting thinner and some have suggested for knee surgery or some sort of exercise.
Please suggest any cure/advice for the same.
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Dear Gourav, The doctors have a different mindset and scare the patient. Since they have no treatment for knee pain, they mostly advice patient to go for knee replacement surgery to make huge money but there are safe and effective herbal medicines to help your mother to be able to get well soon. There is no need for your mother to opt for knee replacement surgery since it is not a permanent solution for knee joint pain and people having opted for knee replacement do suffer a lot after few years of getting their knee replaced. In order to keep your mother in good health, I would suggest the following herbal medicines for your present state of sufferings to bring best possible results: 1. Liv.52 (Himalaya) - One tablet twice a day after meal as a daily health tonic for liver. Being an ultimate liver tonic, it keeps the liver healthy, maintains good appetite, promotes digestion and protects liver from damage. A well functioning liver helps to convert fat soluble chemicals into water soluble chemicals to excrete them easily from the body via watery fluids in the form of bile and urine. Brain and liver are estrogen receptors and liver is the principal organ to remove these hormones. A strong and healthy liver helps to eliminate contaminants, pollutants, insecticides, pesticides, food additives and balances hormonal changes in the body from time to time. Liv.52 is a clinically researched herbal formula which supports normal liver function and also supports the liver when challenged by toxins in food, water and air. It also supports healthy liver enzyme levels in their normal range. The liver is the largest internal organ and it is important that it is functioning on a normal level while performing multiple functions. Liv.52 has enormous health benefits for everyone and it supports liver cell regeneration, healthy liver enzyme levels and acts as a daily super food for the liver. It is clinically proven to preserve normal hematological and biochemical safety parameters within the liver and to preserve the structure and function of liver cells. It arrests the accumulation of fat in the liver cells and prevents further liver damage. One of the primary ways in which the body expels toxins is through the liver. The liver constantly detoxifies and cleanses the body by filtering the blood of impurities that enter through the digestive tract, skin or respiratory system and when the liver gets overworked due to stress and exposure to toxins, the entire system gets upset and health is compromised. As liver is the organ responsible for bile production, another form of detoxification that is metabolically necessary for breakdown and assimilation of proteins and fats, it is important that the liver be well maintained. The liver is the construction house of thousands of enzyme systems responsible for performing every activity in the body. A healthy liver is vital for proper functioning of eyes, brain, heart, gonads, joints and kidneys. Liv.52 brings expected results in a relatively short period of time and can be used safely by everyone on a daily basis for several months. 2. Triphala Guggulu (Patanjali) - Two tablets daily after dinner to treat indigestion, acidity, gastric trouble, constipation and host of stomach complications by correcting colon, lungs, liver and spleen function to improve metabolism and regularize bowel movements. Being a natural laxative and purgative, it scraps toxins from the tissues and helps to remove accumulated and congested gases from the gastrointestinal tract thus helping in natural internal cleansing. Triphala promotes healthy digestion and absorption. It is a unique herbal preparation that helps to balance Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the body. It eliminates parasites and helps to treat piles, fissures and hemorrhoids. 3. Reosto (Himalaya) - One tablet twice a day after meal to treat osteoporosis, osteopenia and osteoarthritis. It is a unique complex herbal formula that helps to provide natural sources of calcium and vitamin D and eliminates the risk of abnormally high calcium and vitamin D levels in the blood. It helps to maintain healthy bones and hormonal imbalance. 4. Lakshadi Guggulu (Patantali) - Two tablets twice a day after meal for quick healing of fractured, broken, brittle and damaged bones. It helps to dissolve osteophytes (bony projections formed along the joint margins known as bone spurs) and brings relief from associated pain. Lakshadi Guggulu is an excellent natural preparation to enhance calcium deposition on the right place of bones. Lakshadi Guggulu is beneficial in healing fractures, joint pain, sprains, strains, osteoporosis, osteopenia, osteoarthritis, and low bone density. Lakshadi Guggulu fastens and supports healthy and strong bones formation. Lakshadi Guggulu protects bones from destruction and is enriched with potent fracture healing properties. Hadjod in Lakshadi Guggulu contains triterpenoids, β-sitosterol, quadrangularins A, B and C and calcium, which influences quick regeneration of connective tissues around the damaged bones. Lakshadi Guggulu ensures early ossification (bone formation) and fortifies bone tensile strength which accelerates quick healing of fractured, broken, brittle and damaged bones. Lakshadi Guggulu increases Bone Mineral Density (BMD) by stimulating bone metabolism and increasing the uptake of minerals Calcium, Phosphorus, Sulphor and Strontium by osteoblasts (bone forming cells). Lakshadi Guggulu helps to prevent osteoporosis related fracture and relieves pain and inflammation associated with fractures, injury and bone damage. 5. Rumalaya Forte (Himalaya) - One tablet twice a day after meal to treat muscles and joint stiffness, inflammation, crucifying pain and to keep the muscles and joints flexible, mobile and healthy. Please Note: Your mother will need to take the above herbal medicines for several months with utmost patience to achieve long lasting benefits since natural products have holistic healing qualities on the body and take extra time for absorption and producing satisfactory results. Home Remedies for Your Mother: 1. Drink half liter warm water first thing in the morning after getting up from the bed and then go to toilet for evacuation. Gradually increase the water intake to reach up to one liter daily. The habit of drinking water in the morning after getting up from the bed helps to bring satisfactory bowel movements and treats host of stomach disorders. 2. Mix half lemon juice in a glass of boiled water and add one tablespoon honey. Drink daily before breakfast to remove toxins from the body to maintain good health. Drinking lemon juice and honey in hot water helps to burn extra body fat and treats obesity, whereas drinking honey in cold water increases body weight. 3. Eat oats with cow's milk twice a week at breakfast time by adding few small cut pieces of dried fruits, jaggery or honey for better taste and to nourish the body. Avoid consuming sugar completely since sugar is considered as white poison and its consumption is one of the greatest factors for many health sufferings. In place of sugar, jaggery or honey should be used. 4. Eat sprouted moong beans twice a week at breakfast time. Moong beans are rich source of protein contain adequate nutrients, enzymes, fiber and get easily digested and absorbed in the body to provide instant energy. Since sprouts are low in calories, obese people should regularly use sprouts in their diet as it helps to fill stomach and reduce the feeling of hunger. 5. Eat carrot, cucumber and radish in salad. Sprinkle black pepper powder and black salt (kala namak) or rock mineral salt (sendha namak) on cut pieces of salad for better taste and to improve digestion. 6. Eat good amount of seasonal sweet fruits after meal or in between the meals to receive extra fiber for the body. Sprinkle black pepper powder and black salt or rock mineral salt on cut pieces of fruits for better taste and to improve digestion. Eating banana on a regular basis will help to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke. Eating apple fruit regularly stops stone formation in kidneys and gallbladder and if the stones are already formed, they will get dissolved and find their way out. Apple fruit helps to cleanse kidneys and gallbladder stones effectively. 7. Drink sweet fruit juices in between the meals to energize your body. Drinking apple juice regularly stops stone formation in kidneys and gallbladder and if the stones are already formed, they will get dissolved and find their way out. Apple juice helps to cleanse kidneys and gallbladder stones effectively. 8. Eat raisins and dates daily to receive iron for the body. Also, eat other dried fruits moderately to energize your body. 9. In case of excessive body heat, burning urination and burning sensation in palms and feet during hot and humid weather or due to other health reasons, drink barley boiled water several times daily. You will need two table spoon barley grains to be boiled in a one liter of water and hence take sufficient barley grains to boil them in sufficient water as per your daily need of drinking water. Boiled barley water is also effective in treating urinary tract infections and flushing out kidneys and gallbladder stones. You can add lemon juice and jaggery to make the boiled barley water delicious. Soak barley grains in water and crush them before boiling. It also works as an excellent substitute to aerated cold drinks to quench your thirst. Boiled barley water helps to reduce the heat content in the body. Barley boiled water being a perfect cooling agent, it helps to reduce burning sensation in the stomach. It also prevents urine from stinking. This works for pregnant women or patients who are on hormone tablets. Regular consumption of barley boiled water cleanses your kidneys and keeps them free from toxins. The fiber that comes from barley boiled water lowers cholesterol and hence it is most suitable for all fitness freaks. The insoluble fiber is also known to help prevent formation of gallbladder stones. Barley boiled water also cuts the risk of Type 2 diabetes. The antioxidant in barley prevents cancerous growth. Consume barley boiled water every day for better digestion and treating constipation and nausea. Regular consumption of barley boiled water has shown to help weight loss too. With its many health benefits, barley boiled water is definitely the best health beverage. The next time you reach for a bottle of aerated cold drink, you know what is healthier. Barley is a rich source of Phosphorous that is required for cell production and repair in the body. It contains a good amount of Copper and is therefore beneficial to people suffering from arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Ancient civilizations believed that barley boiled water was a good remedy for improving complexion and reducing the aging signs. Barley is a rich source of Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and vitamin E. Barley is also a good source of minerals like Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Selenium and Zinc. There are a number of nutritional benefits of drinking barley boiled water that helps treat and prevent variety of diseases and disorders. Drinking barley boiled water on regular basis helps to treat acidity, gastric trouble and prevents forming of stomach ulcers. 10. In case of acidity and gastric disorders, take equal quantity of coriander (dhaniya), cumin (jeera) and fennel (saunf) in seed form to measure one tea spoon. Boil them in a glass of water until it is reduced to half. Strain and drink twice a day after meal to treat acidity, gases and indigestion. The decoction of coriander, cumin and fennel in equal quantity is useful in relieving acidity and abdominal cramps due to flatulence. Cumin helps to stimulate liver to secrete more bile thus leading to improve appetite and healthy digestion. Cumin also helps to promote heart health, controls blood pressure, treats hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) and sleep disorders. 11. Boil half tea spoon carom seeds (ajwain) in a glass of water until it is reduced to half. Strain and drink twice a day after meal or in between the meals to treat gastric disorders. Carom seeds are also helpful in treating heart blockage. The potency of carom seeds is hot and hence drinking carom boiled water should be avoided during summer. 12. Crush five harshingar leaves and make paste. Boil the paste in a glass of water until reduced to half. Strain and drink daily after dinner to correct bowel movements. Drinking harshinger boiled water is helpful in treating all types of pain associated with cervical spondilitis, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. 13. Soak half tea spoon white sesame seeds (safed til ke daane) in water at night. Blend the seeds in a grinder machine adding a glass of water, little jaggery (gur) and one cardamom. Strain the mixture and drink it once a day for one month after meal or in between the meals to nourish your body. Increase the quantity of sesame seeds moderately to reach one tea spoon after the body gets accustomed with the intake of half tea spoon sesame seeds. Sesame seeds are good source of natural calcium and chewing one tea spoon seeds daily in the morning or spreading the seeds on fruits or salad will provide natural calcium to correct loss of bone density and save bones from becoming brittle and sufferings from osteoporosis. 14. Wrap one peeled garlic clove in a piece of wet dates (geela khajoor) and eat them daily for one month before breakfast to treat high levels of cholesterol and triglyceride to bring them under normal limits. Garlic being good source of Manganese, Vitamin B1, B6, Selenium, Vitamin C, Calcium, Phosphorus, Copper, Protein and Sulphur, it makes it a potent natural antibiotic against toxic bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungus. Garlic is anthelmintic and having anti-clotting properties, it is considered as one of the most popular herbs to prevent blood cells (platelets) from becoming too sticky and by checking stickiness in blood; the risk of formation of blood clots in blood vessels is prevented. Garlic is also effective in treating muscles and joint pains, cough and cold, asthma, hepatitis B (HBV), tuberculosis (TB), HIV and critical skin diseases. Garlic is useful because of its potent action against pain and inflammation. It also helps to treat backache, sciatica, slip disc and sexual weakness. Garlic being an aphrodisiac properties and effective sex rejuvenator, it helps to treat sexual weakness. The health benefits of garlic are further known to enhance libido for men and women. Diabetic patients should avoid taking dates. 15. Make a habit of chewing cloves, green cardamom or fennel seeds after meal to improve digestion. Take care and stay healthy! Best regards, Kunwar Singh I have a passion to treat prolonged and critical health issues, and help the patient to live a comfortable and healthy life again with the help of Acupressure, Ayurveda, Detoxifying Process, Diet Management, Home Remedies, Naturopathy, and supported by an extremely rare and result oriented miraculous ancient single herbal nutrition blessed with ultimate holistic healing qualities. Trust is must to contact me for my safe and effective herbal treatment. more  
Boil a glass of water with a small lump of ginger paste-bring it to Lukewarm state -add one table spoon full Lime juice and one Tea spoon full Honey. Drink this on empty stomach first thing in the morning- more  
You can take treatment from any accupressure/Electro magnet therapy centre or come to Indore and take 3 treatment followed by some yogik exercise. more  
Get our app from google play store for knee pains. Register and then download it You can get good relief very quickly. more  
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