There has been a steady rise in the funding by the present Government to this Field. That will be a big Boost to the Alternate systems of Medicine in India. Starting from Rs.691 Crores in 2014 to 3,050 Crores in the 2023 is very good. This emphasis from the Ministry will definitely make several people to join the existing beneficiaries to switch to the Corrective, safe, immune Boosting, side effectless, heathy Systems of Medicine. Really commendable to promote the Alternate streams that is within the common man’s reach. Affordable, all derived from food items and plant kingdom, so safe. And most of all Time Tested and OUR OWN SYSTEM.
Very often we have heard from Naturopathy and other streams Advising us to eat the Vegetables, Grains, Pulses and Fruits grown in the Region for best acceptance by the Body.
The first Covid 19 wave was a BOLTFROM THE BLUE for all. The people of
* That was the time the people were totally in the dark. Even the Medical profession and the Researchers had to dig up old records on Corona Virus for information.
* There was no Vaccine to protect the uninfected. All had to be Holed up Indoors with so many restrictions. No work, no business, all came to a stand still except our heart beats.
It is then that the Alternate systems gave a lending hand and timely support to the Struggling Allopathic system which was overloaded.
In Tamil Nadu and some other states Patients who underwent In-patient & Ambulatory Treatment during the first wave will Always be grateful to the Alternate systems, particularly the Siddha system of medicine that actively supported the National Efforts of the Allopathy System.