My friend has filed a divorce petition his wife had extra marital affairs before his marriage, had taken daughters, but this was unknow to her husband, becoz his wife has married for the sake of money,so she did not let her husband to know the true facts of her life, and cause a psycho social problem for her husband, by living with my friend for 10 years,the marriage was a social drama in this marriage the family of the wife is false, her wifes brother has become father- in- law, with Bribery the wifes family is constructed dramatically, in which the Husband had become the victim, their planning is to make the husband mad, to deteriarat his career.and make him weak, attmepted to murder, but now the file has been processed to 3 hearing, but the advocate is delaying the matter. Summon has been sent to father-in- laws house, the marriage photo is submitted to court and advocate, which was the proof of the evidence, but the advocate is very slow in taking action, and giving justification to the client.Wife is asking money, but still now the wife is at husbands house eating his food, wants to have children, but due to medical reaosn the husband cannot take children.Wife has already utilised the husbands money P.FS interest. and distrubing husband, But the advocate is not taking measures or issuing divorce letter.