Legal system reforms

We need our legal system to be improved 100 times becoming a user-friendly and the 1st not
 The last option for finding any solution.

Presently due to all types of complications involved a common man avoids going to seek justice, those  who have right  resources,can manage,manipulate  only use the system easily,for all others , it is very difficult 
Issues of Justice Delivery Instead of Confining to procedures, excessive documentation ,systems and laws is critical. In handling any legal matter,  More attention has  to be given to  logic, fairness
The legal system should ensure that above all, JUSTICE, Humanity, Morality and the general Interest of society are upheld,
        The system had been more leveraged by  INDIVIDUAL INTEREST AND TRICKY
ADVOCACY   etc., which should change,

        The common practice in the Judicial Process  such as Adjournments, Delays,and       Leaving Case WITH COMMENTS OF INADEQUATE PROSECUTION  should be

         Awarding Benefit of Doubts to be on the merits of the situation and consequences and may be subject to monitoring

        An affidavit or declaration on stamp paper should be considered valid for any procedure 

Within family or ,close relation, POA should not require any registration

        The legal system should be transparent 

        Personal presence requirements should be reduced.  Jurisdiction location
presence  should not be imperative and  remote presence should be permitted

        The registration procedure should be simplified

         Personal presence requirements should be reduced for registration There should be choices , 0ptions for the registration location If this may cause manging ,manipulative ,tactics by the bad elements ,the matter may be under monitoring for a period and wrong practices if found used by bad elements should be dealt with sternly and publicity to be given to avoid any recurrence of the such acts

The legal system can be proactive to find out the real facts which don’t appear on board many times

True copy signed by the elected representatives of the government bodies such as local self government should be considered valid and original should not be insisted

        Distribution, ,division of any property amongst the family members should be possible by declaration. 
        Various procedures etc. should be possible to be carried out online
        Video presence  should be acceptable for the various requirements and for the
special cases requiring More verification the video presence from the nearby authorised govt centre  should be valid
        Pending cases should be reduced to less than 10% over a span of a few years
        Like loka nyayalaya additional  public help nyayalaya should be formed with the
 help of NGOs, lawyers etc. With  the intention of solving simple issues, simple
 legal cases  This will generate employment as well.
        Also legal facilitation centres may be formed to reduce legal matters going to courts or before going to lokanyalaya and may be resolved at the level reducing the work load on the courts which should be meant for the matters which need real review w r t contents and legal,moral points
        All these will generate employment as well
All requirements of life should be possible to be easily documented for the legal requirements as may be applicable
      Dont complicate procedures to generate +more employment  and business ,rather achieve       The same by reasonable priced services in the different matters so that people will follow norms ,procedures willingly
        Legal facilitation centres may be formed all over India with NGOs and lawyers
 to facilitate simple legal matters, documentation etc.
        Legal language should be simplified  without being vague so that voluminous
documentation will be reduced.
      Onus to challenge the matter should be on the party who has least documents in support as Compared to  the other party who has more documents in support a nd has lodged ones claim/right with the same before any authority

      Procedures shouldn’t be made complicated  because bad elements flout them skilfully,
The monitoring and control should be wide and random so that any malicious flouting of the  procedures Is readily caught and sternly dealt with
only In case after following the procedures any discrepancies are observed, more documentation may be demanded /procedure may be followed and not at the 1st stage

        The Supreme Court bench may be started in the geographically central place
 like Nagpur or Jabalpur or Raipur so  that it will be easily accessible from all parts of India.   
Please look into, for implementation.
Regards more  

View all 20 comments Below 20 comments
The Local Circles Manager needs to take up this issue on a war footing. Years ago I had suggested that retired judges be brought back for arbitration of cases so that the back log could be contained but things have gotten so bad that it is impossible to break this back log. more  
A simple complaint to the Commissioner of Housing for Maharshtra in Pune took two months for it to be reviewed then sent to Mumbai for action. Till now, we do not even know where and to whom the complaint has gone to. So, so frustrating and if you see the office of this you will be surprised to see so many people at work but nothing is finalised. more  
Reform is a must. Pending cases have to be brought to 'nil' first by curtailing holidays in all our courts. Courts should also have similar number of holidays existing in other government establishments. Why should the courts get huge number of holidays resulting in piling up of pending cases at all levels! The government should also considering doubling the capacity of courts and judges. more  
I hope someone gets the will to implement the reforms in our judicial discharge. Soon................. more  
Upright judicial reforms are necessary in India as most of the laws and judicial system is colonial. Certain laws need to be repealed. more  
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