Lets have Swatch BJP and Swatch attitude of Ministers first..

Pm Modi´s Ignorance ?? Delhi Poll results.
some snippets -- and few from across the Press ..
" Modi was silent when he had to speak and spoke when he needn't have. "
The BJP's troubles began when the prime minister continued in the sloganeering and promise mode of electioneering for too long
Apparently, Modi is ignorant and or insensitive to local issues, therefore, it can be termed as a self inflicted injury leading to Disaster for NDA & BJP. Decidedly it is good for India & will serve Good for one and all Political Leaders & Parties that, common man is not so common any more. One WhatAapp message " This is Good Phase for India, Modi is good but, Kejriwal kind of People don't let Modi take India for Granted like Congress. - .... " Everyone may derive a lesson out of this election. But Discipline is utmost in every walk of Life, negative votes on discipline has played a major role ...
BJP has over the past few months been busy squandering away all the goodwill it had generated in the run up to last year's General Elections and the subsequent victory of Narendra Modi. What went wrong so quickly??
The BJP spokespersons who appeared across TV networks were (and still are) unduly aggressive, jingoistic, dismissive and contemptuous of the interlocutors, opposition and the people. When in Government you need to be seen as humble, approachable, diligent and courteous. None of the spokespersons had any of these attributes. The ministers too are by and large talking in generalities and obduracy. Almost an echo of some of Congress's cardinal mistakes over the years. Talking down to people and not brooking any dissent. "Mann ki Baat" works as long it is not sanctimonious. Doordarshan, PIB, DAVP are all relics of the past. Please get rid of them. And putting the prime minister's (and other ministers) photograph on every ad/commercial may work in North Korea or Turkey it won't cut ice with a resurgent India.
The average Indian is not willing to accept condescension any longer. Unfortunately some announcements and appointment of various statutory bodies were perceived as partisan and not merited. The way they were communicated was even worse. The people by large felt that they were not kosher. Appointments to bodies like UGC, ICCR, Prasar Bharti, and CBFC were all questionable. The middle class, the bulwark of the party, started to feel alienated. Out of turn remarks by junior MPs about Hindutva was off putting. More so when the PM remained silent. Tactically a communication blunder. Even if he was complicit in this fundamentalist agenda, Modi should have publicly denounced such pronouncements. That would have been clever strategy. Silence and weak defence by his lieutenants only added to the mess.
The problem for the BJP began when the prime minister continued in the sloganeering and promise mode of electioneering for too long. His first visits abroad and immediate acceptance by global leaders made the PM think that he was on to a good thing. You can flog a product endlessly but you can't keep repeating symbolism. After seeing the stodgy rectitude of his predecessors, Modi was instantly liked by millions of India notwithstanding his controversial past. He was saying the right things at the right places at the right time. Even the multitude of acronyms sounded interesting.
It's high time for BJP to get rid of such elements, otherwise they will be facing the same situation which Congress is facing and they will not have any base left all over the country.
And a Golden Opportunity handed over on a Platter to Modi .. shall go Waste and remain in History as " A Chance Lost ". more  

I can only hope that our PM Shri Narendra bhai Modi can read the writing on the walls and in his man ki baat address, talk about the systemic failure of the BJP stalwarts and his support for turncoats, aka policewoman Kiran Bedi who was speaking ill of him a year ago. He should open his inner eyes and see through the smokescreen. more  
I was wondering in the case of Delhi that without providing the basis amenities and infrastructure such as adequate Toilets and Dust Bins around the city, how the Swatch Bharat Abhiyaan would be effectively implemented, or would it remain as a hyped statement for deriving political benefits. more  
intuitive , thought - provoking and insightful. more  
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