Letter from Shri Narendra Modi on 30 days of Government

Dear Friends,

Today our Government completes a month in office. The support and affection of the people has been overwhelming and this inspires us to work even harder.
67 years of previous governments is nothing compared to 1 month, but I do want to say that in the last month, our entire team has devoted every single moment for the welfare of the people. Every decision we took has been guided solely by national interest.

When we took over a month ago, I kept thinking that I am new to this place and some people believed that I would take at least a year or even two to learn the intricacies of the working of the Central Government. Fortunately, a month later that thought does not exist any longer in my mind. My confidence and determination has increased tremendously and I credit a substantial part of this to the collective experience and wisdom of my ministerial colleagues and also to my experiences as a four time Chief Minister. The affection of the people and support from officials has also added to this confidence in large measure.
Over the past few days I have been meeting Ministers and Officials from various departments who have been making detailed presentations to me. I must share that these presentations have enabled a wonderful exchange of thoughts and ideas and we have come up with excellent roadmaps for the various ministries and departments.
CMs of several states have met me in the past month. They have extended their good wishes and talked about issues concerning their state. I look forward to working closely with them in the times to come.

I feel there are areas where surely we need to improve. A big challenge I am facing in Delhi is to convey to a select group of people about our intentions and sincerity to bring a positive change in this country. These are people who are both within and outside the government system. There have been some instances in the last month with which our Government had nothing to do yet these controversies have persisted. I don’t blame anybody but I surely feel that we need to strengthen systems whereby the right things are communicated to the right people at the right time. Hopefully things will change then.

Every new Government has something that friends in the media like to call a ‘honeymoon period.’ Previous governments had the luxury of extending this ‘honeymoon period’ upto a hundred days and even beyond. Not unexpectedly I don’t have any such luxury. Forget hundred days, the series of allegations began in less than a hundred hours. But when one is working with the sole aim of serving the nation determinately, these things do not matter. That is why I keep working and that is most satisfying.

26th of June is an important date for me. It marks the completion of one month of our journey to fulfil the aspirations of the people. This day is also another landmark day, when in 1975 I witnessed an important phase that taught me the significance of a vibrant democracy. 26th June was the day when the Emergency started, having been imposed an evening earlier. As a youngster, I have several memories of those testing times.
The Emergency surely stands out as one of the darkest periods in our history and is a grim reminder of the dangers associated with subverting freedom of speech, press, expression and silencing opposition. Our democracy will not sustain if we can’t guarantee freedom of speech and expression. Today is also a day to reaffirm our pledge to safeguard these values and at the same time create strong institutions through good governance so that that we never ever see those dark days again.

Once again I salute the people of India for their strong support and good wishes as we complete a month in office. I assure you that we are committed to taking India to greater heights in the years to come.

Narendra Modi more  

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Modi Ji has proved his metal in Gujarat and definitely immediately after Earth quake, relief works the most efficiently. The credit must also go to the entire dedicated state machinery. Now with Modi Ji as PM, say any system, that is corroded for all these years, the entire track needs the dedication but it is not that easy. Striking down of NJAC is the Unique example. Also, just because there is resistance to change for better, Modi Ji cannot be yet another Failed IAC movement. Yes there are certainly a few VITAL changes Modi Ji government needs to do immediately if they are really serious to ensure Abki Bath 400+ Modi Circar, Congress & Communists Mukth Bharat. Nehru toed USSR line and U.S. had the Pet Pak ISI to counter Socialistic Imperialism and to nurture Capitalistic Imperialism, simply put as GLOBALIZATION. Bharat Dharma is the Neutral of these two extremes. To establish Bharat Dharma = TO LEAVE A CIVILIZED WORLD TO OUR DEAR CHILDREN, we need to Generate large scale Employment, to Generate Large number of tiny Entrepreneurs, I HAVE MY INNOVATION BASED ON THIS AND I NEED FINAL TOUCHES INCUBATION TO MAKE THIS GRAND SCHEME THE MOST SUCCESSFUL. Secondly, to Eradicate Corruption is POSSIBLE only through the right step in the right direction. I have written about this to all the Constitutional Authorities and no one seems to be serious for the change to bring in. Even now every day in and day out I am trying to reach some and so I write here also. Eradication of Corruption is POSSIBLE, and hence Malnutrition, Cross Border Terror Business. Similarly if Modi Ji or any one with authority hears me and help me in the INCUBATION of my INNOVATIVE human powered machine, then We will have solved UNEMPLOYMENT, CRIME REDUCTION, Carbon Emission Reduction, Malnutrition reduction etc. IT IS POSSIBLE, ONLY IF THERE ARE PEOPLE TO HEAR MY PLAN OF ACTION AND HELP ME IN THE INCUBATION + the Scheme to Democratically awaken Bharat, the world, even if Modi Ji gets a chance to Govern Bharat, it will be another Failed IAC. I am ready to share & work dedicated to deliver the FRUIT of my above two schemes, please PURELY SELFLESS Basis. Thank you, K.S.Nagarajan, Chennai. Email: nagarajanks27@yahoo.co.in more  
Things are not as bad as projected. There is a shimmer of hope , lurking somewhere ( that is why the change in government, understandable.) Even if all was lost - why despair? ( nothing more to lose ?) Sytems are there - marred by corrupt practices and can be cleaned /overhauled. More difficult is to remove the negative mind set. ( High expectations make rebuilding painful , but people are wise and capable). yes , we have to work hard together.( magic wands are only illusions .) Karambhoomi demands KARMA under the leadership of a worthy and capable guide. Victory is only after a bloody battle. Lots of sacrifices are called for and will have to be made and penalties borne. We are NOT lost in the sea. Shining India was propagated without planning and lead to debackle. IT MUST START BY JAILING ALL THE CORRUPT - IF Most are jailed - who will do the nation building - We, the INDIANS have failed due to loss of moral values - Most pay bribes for getting the work done - for whatever reasons. Who elected the bad leaders ( corrupt to the core ). Yes , we Indians elected luteras and corrupt and pay thru the nose for everything .{ We Indians have changed the goverment of Luteras, but are quick to complain and demand miracles. We forget that Jaldi ko bhee samay ki jaroorat hoti hai . } We allow ourselves to Vote on all sorts of malpractices . We fight on caste lines . We burn petrolium products recklessly and cry for price rise due to escalating petrolium produst price and effects there of. we do all sort of nuisances - LOOT , RAPE and what not. We are the the doers and we are the government. ----------------------------------------------------------------- So let us STOP verbal nonsense. LET US Tighten all sorts of belts , at our dispsal. USE ALL THE MIGHT , WE HAVE. Nobody but US will have to do the job. (All main problems must be identified & solved. - No body will descend from heaven to use a magic wand - No miracles will happen ) Sheer determination , hard work , and steadfast approach to achieve the goal of self reliance and progress ( Dogs bark and so will the opponents - IGNORE - more  
Hat of to Mr. Sri K Hariharan, The list is more than the Atom Bomb effect. We are lost in the sea. To survive we have to work hard together. This is a historical plunder of India. Well sir who is responsible? Is it not you & ME our ancestors? Now how to re- trace to normalize? Prevention is better than cure. 1.Stop all that is on going in this plunder, and try to p lough back th e soil to water and plant the seeds to sprout that takes a lot of time, people are not having patience since we crossed the tolerance levels. Now it the turn for a magic wand and our friends across are watching the game to learn the technique of selvage & salvation. Enemies are in the guise of friends and we are simple people and we believe all as good & great. We fall for Cosmetics & ignore the realities. We need Gods Divine BLESSINGS to save us all in this Karma Bhoomi. Thanks. Govind rao adapa more  
A NEW VISION & STRATEGY TO MAKE OUR INDIA THE RICHEST, MOST POWERFUL & BEST WELFARE NATION: INDIA NEEDS NOW AN IMMEDIATE LEADERSHIP, SYSTEM & PARADIGM CHANGES BY AN ALLIANCE OF THE GOOD AGAINST EVIL. It must result in a 100% democratic, credible, dynamic, proactive & interactive ruling group asap. We need a new moral rearmament, thorough metamorhosis & complete makeover to bid goodbye to the murky JOKEPAL past & present & welcome a glorious future. Only an entirely new breed of good, honest, enlightened, modern & progressive politicians, totally committed to the nation & its citizens & equipped with an adequate agenda, can give our Grand Indian Dreams an entirely different & good direction, dimension, quality, content & impetus & also lead us firmly into the 21st century. So, all good Indians must enter politics & unseat the criminal ones in it today. A national & international talent hunt is needed. The new leaders must change the present primitive, anachronistic, completely hollow & hero-based JOKEPAL politics to a serious, modern, ideology, objective, value, principle & agenda-based one. A clear premium must be placed on all real merits, honesty, integrity & patriotism to engineer a reverse brain & resource drain & signal a necessary, complete & thorough changes.The present manipulated,100% unHindu & anti-Hindu caste system created by our JOKEPAL politicians 1947-2014, must be abolished forthwith. A holistic & scientific national agenda for progress & welfare based on the superb Swedish model ought to be worked out & made our sole guiding star. INDIA FIRST ALWAYS, WELFARE TO ALL & PRIVILEGES TO NONE, FROM ALL ACCORDING TO ABILITY & TO ALL ACCORDING TO NECESSITY MUST BECOME OUR NEW NATIONAL MOTTOES. By rewriting the outdated Indian Constitution,100% accountability & transparency must be ensured & power decentralized. All our corrupted & destroyed systems, incl the 4 pillars of our democracy, must be saved & put in foolproof working condition. All main problems must be identified & solved. We need a new foreign policy, join NATO - our natural allies - procure new, good & powerful friends & a permanent seat in UNSC. We must engineer a polarization between the good & evil & annihilate the latter. It must undo all the harm done by our totally corrupt, criminal, completely useless, anti-Indian & anti-India politicians 1947-2014. FOR THAT VITAL MISSION, IT MUST CAPTURE FULL POWER AT THE CENTRE & IN THE STATES ASAP. IT MUST START BY JAILING ALL THE CORRUPT & RETRIEVING THE TRILLIONS THEY'VE LOOTED & STASHED AWAY AT HOME & ABROAD. IT MUST BE INVESTED INSTANTLY IN POVERTY & ILLITERACY ELIMINATION, EMPLOYMENT, WELFARE, INFRASTRUCTURE INCL IT IN GENERAL & ELECTRICITY, CLEAN WATER & OTHER ESSENTIAL SERVICES TO ALL IN PARTICULAR. LET'S THUS SAVE INDIA & INDIANS GIVE EACH & EVERY CITIZEN A BRAND NEW FAIR DEAL BLESSED WITH 100% SAFETY, SECURITY, WELFARE, ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES & A DECENT & HUMAN-WORTHY LIFE! AFTER THAT V MUST SAVE THE REST OF THE WORLD, TOO! more  
SOLUTION: 1 LAUNCH OPERATION CLEAN UP WITH A CORRUPTION CHECK ON ALL MINISTERS, LEADERS, top bureaucrats & their kith & kin; prosecute the guilty in a new anti-corruption court 2 Give citizens & residents 3 weeks to declare assets & incomes; jail all with wealth disproportionate to known sources & amnesty to volunteers 3 Confiscate assets from 1 & 2 & invest in a new poverty & illiteracy eradication program, jobs, infrastructure incl IT, electricity, clean water & other essential services to all 24-7 4 Strict new laws incl JANLOKPAL to end corruption & retrieve black money 5 Modern billing system with a chip connected to the ITD in the cash register of businesses, multiple checks, new ID system & salaries only via banks 6 Rewrite the IC to ensure full transparency, accountability & standardized laws for all 7 E-governance 8 Liberalize economy a la Sweden (unique capital-labour-govt bonding & CSR) 9 Reform & save all 4 sick pillars of democracy 10 Invest in agriculture, make India greener &stop pollution 11 Lifetime bar for all convicted for 6 m/more from elections 12 Laws for 0 discrimination 13 Reform work of politicians, parties & bureaucrats 14 State funding of parties based on the no of seats won at panchayat, municipal, state & LS polls,100% transparency for donations15 A 2-term ceiling for PM & P 16 New laws to ensure100% equality & protection for women 17New minimum wages, land reforms & social justice 18 Eco & environment-friendly, sustainable growth & energy self-sufficiency via solar panel roads, roofs, electric automobiles, nano tech etc 19 Overpopulation stop via fp & monogamy 20 Abolish the present manipulated, 100% unHindu & anti-Hindu caste system 21 New social security for the disabled, children & old 22 Total welfare, health scheme & insurance 23 New day & nightcares, leisure centers for all & homes for seniors & destitutes 24 Make education modern, free & compulsory 25 Build 1 school & library per 1K residents 26 Make the ratio of the lowest & highest salaries in the public sector1:5 27 Microloan for all 28 Reverse brain & resource-drain 29 Save farmers, producers & retailers from FDI aftermath 30 Justice to all riot victims 31 0 crime tolerance, case settlement within1 month per court 32 Ban bandhs 33 New laws to improve democracy, election system, work culture & 100% safety & security 34 New export, import & foreign policies to secure welfare, borders, peace & fight terrorism 35 Improve R&D, planning, housing, transport, railways, storage, quality of air, water, food, medicines & consumer-rights 36 Promote meritocracy, national unity, patriotism, inventions, swadeshi small, medium & big industries & IT, culture, mass-media, literature, film & art 37 Make defence & its industry no1 in the world to create jobs & deter 38 Make Kashmir a pucca Indian state 39 India must join NATO, UNSC & FORM ASIAN UNION 40 Premium for tax payers & whistle blowers 41 Build 600 M low-cost houses & toilets... more  
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