I have a Trom washing machine which is 7 years old.Last year we had changed the drum and the bearings by paying Rs 5600/-
Again this year we had the problem of noise during spinning. We complaint for the same on the 30th April 2016.Till date the technician has been telling us lies after lies.They had come and removed the drum outer bearings bushings and gone and never came back.
The following are the complaints which we have registered with you complaint center.Apat from asurance we have not been able to get any concrete results.
We have registered totally 14 complaints till date.
RMA 160524032793,
RNA 160516014643,
RNA 160430047833,(5 REMINDERS)
RNA160524032793,(3 REMINDERS),
The machine has been in an open condition since 30 April 2016.
I am also taking this up with your foreign partner.
I have personally spoken to the service team in Nashik,all of whom have been lying,
Mr Sapan and all the service in charge.
Service like this is the worst i have seen and would also would like to write to appropriate consumer forum where strict action is taken. more  

View all 35 comments Below 35 comments
Tromm seems to have lot of problems .....but the same is backed by a good brand LG. Please find the website and http://www.consumercomplaints.in/complaints/lg-washing-machine-trommon 1. mention the complaint there 2. if no reply of resolution within 7 days try meeting the branch head of LG most of the time since the dealer and even the service has been outsourced by the company to a third party, results in poor service and at times your complaint not even reaching to the right person LG is very good in complaint management ......resort this as a last step hope you get the issues resolved more  
VKDigital chennai upgraded my STB on 1st March with another 1000 Rs....lessening the monthly charge from 290 Rs to Rs 250. after the first month ABP ANANDA , one Bangla news channel, 713 goes off. Now Z 24 Ghanta, 708, the only Bangla news channel left had also vanished. Some day i shall see Ztv and sony six are also vanished. On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 9:04 PM, Aghoram Ramchandran < support@localcirclesmail.com> wrote: > more  
Dear All, Thank you so much for the advice and suggestion.Yes the fraud in this case is also the comapanys complaint site which as someone said never works it keeps on tricking you,and you will never be able to log in the complain.Consumer forums takes a v v long time.But with so much support i will take this and try to bring these rouges to book. more  
The LG products are less costly compared to other brands in the market, and hence the quality is poor. From my experience with LG products,( I have LG fridge, TV, AC etc. and the repair is costing more ...recently the power system of TV burned and for repairing, I had a tough time and paid what they asked, the fridge and ACs are giving complaints/troubles), I prefer to throw them when repair is required and buy a better product. more  
Consumer's patience is tested unduly. Take on the corporate office, post the details at fb of the company and simultaneously pursue the case through Consumer Redressal Forum. You have valid testimony having excahuted all means to address the issue at Consumer Forum. more  
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