Being 60 is kind of magical age where many people stop and take stock of their lives. It's a truly wonderful thing to achieve 60 years of living and experience, however there is still so much more to do, learn and see after we reach this milestone age. Here are a few thoughts on life after 60:
1. Time is like a river, you can not touch the same water again, because the water which has flown past the river, will not pass again, so enjoy every moment of life.
2. Focus on enjoying your friends, relatives as they are, rather than accumulating material things or expecting them to change according to your will.
3. Spend your money you have earned, on yourself and your spouse. Don't leave your money for your children or loved ones. Remember that if you are leaving money for them, you are causing untold troubles because of that money after you are gone.
4. Don't worry about the future, all what you have is today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow may not happen at all.
5. If you have grand children, enjoy with them, but don't be a baby sitter to them. Your parental obligation was towards your children. After you have raised them to become responsible adults, your duties of child raising is finished, let them raise their children.
6. Enjoy who you are and what you have, don't work hard to get what you don't have. If you don't have something by now, probably it is too late to get them.
7. Enjoy your life with your family, children, grand children. People that truly love you are those who love you for what you are and not for what you have. Those who love you for what you have, will only make you miserable.
8. Forgive yourself and others , accept forgiveness. Enjoy peace of mind and soul.
9. Make peace with physical weakness and pain, which is natural part of aging process.
10. Without being morbid, make peace with death, which is a natural part of life cycle and should not scare you. Death is a doorway to a new beginning and start of something better. more