Make Railways Better Whitepaper and Next Steps
Our Making Railways better whitepaper has been submitted by me to the Railways Minister yesterday.
It is available at the link below for your reference:
Cleanliness, as indicated by the poll and the whitepaper is the No. 1 priority from Citizens to Government on Railways. Let us take the Solutions proposed for cleanliness into some more details so we can give the Railways Ministry some "How To" as well. Here is the list of Cleanliness Solutions we have proposed:
1. Unauthorized entry of citizens without ticket or platform ticket must be stopped.
2. Local vendors and beggars must be banned on the platform and in the train
3. Awareness should be created among the general public about keeping railways and platforms clean
4. The cleaning staff needs to be made accountable for their work
5. Cleaning of stations and trains must be outsourced to private industry with service level contracts
6. Bigger dustbins in every compartment and they being emptied at every major station
7. Bio toilets should be scrapped and the ones like in aircrafts should be installed
8. The pantry car should be made to adhere to the highest standards and should go through regular quality checks
9. More staff be redeployed for train maintenance, discipline, and functions like cleaning, pantry, catering outsourced.
Let us know if you agree with this approach. If majority do, we will take one of these areas at a time, discuss and propose to Railways Ministry how they can implement these proposed solutions for cleaning up railways.
Thanks for your participation!
Rajendra Pratap Gupta more