Master of Roster by Gautam Bhatia

On Friday, four of the senior-most judges of the Supreme Court held a press conference at the residence of Justice Jasti Chelameswar. In the press conference — an unprecedented event in the annals of the judiciary — they expressed concern about the manner in which the Chief Justice of India was administering the Court, and released a letter that they had written to him. Unsurprisingly, the move has generated fierce debate. Friday’s events, however, are not simply about the personalities involved. They represent the culmination of the gradual deepening of a number of faultlines in the Indian judicial system and highlight the urgency with which they need to be addressed.

At the heart of the controversy is the chief justice’s power as the “Master of the Roster.” All judges of the Supreme Court are equal when it comes to hearing and adjudicating cases. However, with respect to the administration of the Court, the chief justice is the “first among equals”. The chief justice decides when a case may be listed for hearing, and she also decides which judges will hear it. In itself, this model is unexceptionable. It is followed by many constitutional courts across the world and facilitates smooth and efficient judicial functioning.
In India, however, there are three interconnected factors that have, over the years, put this model under severe strain. First, the Supreme Court now consists of 26 judges, who predominantly sit in benches of two. Compare this with the US Supreme Court, for example, where all its nine judges sit together (en banc) to hear cases, or the UK’s Supreme Court, where 12 judges often sit in panels of five (or more). The Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, therefore, has no choice in the question of which judges will hear a case, and in the UK, the choice is significantly constrained. By comparison, the Chief Justice of India has significantly more discretion in determining which judges will hear and decide a case.

Why does this matter, you may ask? If judges are meant to apply the law, wouldn’t the outcome of a case remain unchanged, no matter which judge hears it? Not so. Legal texts are linguistic artefacts, and language is always open to interpretation. Nor can the discipline of law be segregated from the social, political and historical context in which it exists. Two judges who come from different contexts may even understand the same set of facts very differently. Now, to curtail these kinds of divergences, legal systems evolve homogenising tools, such as a system of precedent, and a commonly accepted interpretive approach towards legal texts. This, however, brings us to the second factor: In India, over the last 30 years, these constraining influences have been significantly weakened.
The rise of public interest litigation has diluted the practice of strict adherence to the legal text, and the Court’s habit of sitting in multiple small benches has undermined the gravitational pull of precedents. This means that when a judge surveys the legal landscape before her, she finds that it gives her greater room to effectuate a personal interpretive philosophy than she might otherwise have. Multiple examples can be cited to demonstrate this. Perhaps the starkest is a brief period in the mid-2000s, where two Supreme Court benches were hearing cases involving the death penalty. One of these benches confirmed virtually every death sentence, while the other commuted most of the cases before it. The question of whether a person lived or died, then, depended upon the lottery of which bench his case came before or — in the Indian legal system — which bench the chief justice assigned it to.
And third, the Supreme Court is dealing with a massive backlog of cases. This means that “in the normal course of things”, a petition will take many years to be heard and decided. The chief justice, however, has the power to “list” cases for hearing. Given the huge backlog, this simple administrative function becomes a source of significant power. For example, the government’s demonetisation policy was challenged in the Supreme Court on multiple grounds, including the argument that the government could not legally deprive people of their property without passing a law. The Supreme Court is yet to hear this case. In the meantime, the policy has been implemented in its entirety, and any judgment the Court would now render would be purely academic. Backlog, therefore, allows the Court, through the office of the chief justice, to engage in the practice of judicial evasion — that is, effectively deciding a time-sensitive case in favour of one party by simply not hearing it.
In a legal system where a significant percentage of the judges of the Court sit on every case, where there is at least a surface consensus about the interpretive philosophy that judges use to decide cases, and where all cases are heard within a short time of being filed, the chief justice’s power as “Master of the Roster” would be purely administrative. However, in our system, where none of these three conditions obtain, this harmless administrative power has transformed itself into a significant ability to influence the outcomes of cases.

And unfortunately, this progressive centralisation of power within the office of the chief justice has not been accompanied by a parallel strengthening of the accountability of this office. The office of the chief justice remains answerable to none, a situation that was highlighted recently when, in a case that potentially involved the chief justice, the chief justice himself constituted a bench to hear it, and the Bench, while rendering its judgment, effectively held that the principle “no person shall be a judge in their own cause” simply didn’t apply to the office of the chief justice.
The upshot of all this is that the survival of the Court as an institution is dependent entirely upon the character of the individual occupying the station of the chief justice. However, history tells us that institutions that become over-reliant upon single individuals inevitably decay. The actions of the four judges on Friday, whatever their merits, precisely highlight the structural problems pointed out above and remind us that if we are to prevent that decay in one of the most vital institutions of our democracy, the only way out is meaningful reform that brings accountability and transparency to the office of the chief justice, without compromising on judicial independence. more  

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Our Higher Judiciary has a lot History. It has opened at Middle of the night to hear a review/curative petition of a convict sent to Gallows for the attack on Indian Parliament. Also, many judgments of the higher judiciary (of the High Courts or of a smaller bench) have been overturned for the Law of the Land. There are also Lakhs of litigants waiting for years for Justice, while there are cases settled the fastest. There are Bhopal Gas leak case, 1984 riot case, cases involving Warren Anderson, Bharat Babu, Bangla Babu case, Quttorochi's case, Oil for Food scam, 2G, Fodder scam, Coal gate, Deccan Herald, various land deals ( exposed by Ashok Khemkha), Granite Scam ( enquired by U.Sagayam) and numerous such others whereas numerous others like Justice Sarkaria Commission report, "S Band" etc fail or Refuse to surface at all are, facts of life In the Democratic Republic of Bharat that is Re-christined as India, that is the Partitioned Bharat left to us by the Invaders/encroachers/colonisers. Imprisonment of Justice and impeachment processes of Justices are also historic. Some of the above Histories may be desirable & undesirables. But they indicate the Discretionary powers vested with Justices. There may be some cases as listed above and many left out, that may still in line with AXIOM that many accused may escape but not one innocent be punished. But one wonder, if the AXIOM operates in reverse gear? If Constitution is Supreme, then, are our Custodian of our Constitution do act right is the moment of stock taking by one and all of the Custodians of the Constitution, and headed by the First Citizen of our Great Nation, to do away with obsolete and bring in the most needed reforms. I SURELY BELIEVE THAT ONE LINE ADDITION TO THE RULES, IN THE NOMINATION FORM TO REPRESENT PEOPLE OF THIS GREAT NATION IN ANY DEMOCRATIC OFFICE, THAT, THERE MUST BE A DECLARATION TO THE EFFECT THE NOMINEE/CONTESTANT IS MADE TO DECLARE THAT OTHER THAN THE DECLARED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES IN THE FORM, IF THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA GETS TO KNOW, OF ANY UNDECLARED ASSETS, HELD BY THE CONTESTANTS OR ANY OF HIS/HER BENAMI, THE CONTESTANT/NOMINEE WILL HAVE NO OBJECTION, IRRESPECTIVE OF ANY RULE OF THE LAND IN QUESTION, AS TO SUCH ASSETS IS HELD, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CAN AND SHOULD CONFISCATE SUCH ASSETS, TAKE IT IN PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF INDIA, IN THE FIRST INSTANCE PENDING ENQUIRY UNDER SUSPENSE ACCOUNT THAT WILL GET REGULARISED/APPROPRIATED IN TO GOVERNMENT OF INDIA'S ACCOUNT OF PUBLIC WEALTH, EVEN IF THE ENQUIRY IS NOT COMPLETE. I HOPE IF THIS REFORM IS BROUGHT IN TO THE REPRESENTATION OF PEOPLE ACT AND RULES, THEN WE MAY LEAVE A CIVILIZED WORLD TO OUR DEAR CHILDREN. I WISH ALL THOSE IN THIS CIRCLE MAY POUR IN THEIR VIEWS PLEASE. THANK YOU SIRS, YOURS SINCERELY, K.S.NAGARAJAN, FOUNDER TRUSTEE "TAD DVAM ASI TRUST" FOR THE ABOVE OBJECTIVES. CHENNAI. Email: more  
The four Senior Judges have done a signal service to the Nation through their revelation, which has unfortunately been referred to as "Mutiny"!. The citizenry should be alert and safeguard our constitutional rights which are being sought to be curtailed in such a devious manner. We are all aware about how cases which were to be decided before some timelines were being adjourned for various reasons. This is especially so regarding the stuffing of Aadhar card on the populace when its security is suspect. L.Kalavathi Retd. Bank Official Chennai, Tamilnadu 20/01/2018 more  
Chennai High Court and Tamilnadu Government had many incidents that really calls for consideration of your unavoidable demand . I too suggested such last week finally after repeated suggestions for Judicial Reforms comprehensively covering all issues that were compiled in the whitepaper being submitted to the concerned by our Thank you sir. more  
CSN Sarma Sir, may be every one's view points, warnings in this circle is of great importance to our concern to leave a Civilized world to our dear children. As said, the dosage and concentration of medicine have to ensure Desirable speedy recovery. As such, Ours is a Democratic Republic. It is unlike the Republican or Democrat parties of the U.S. or the People's Republic of China, where, if one looks closer, tend to be more IMPERIALISTIC than desirable Democratic.

The basis of our Indian Democratic Republic concept is in the essence of the word 'Bharat that is India' as declared in our Constitution by the Wise, Selfless men, architects of our Constitution.

We see the Learned lawyers do PUBLIC PROTEST to 'SIEGE THE HIGHER JUDICIARY' in full public glare in Chennai and High Court of Madras find it necessary to protect itself with Central Industrial Security Force, for the unruly happenings in the High Courts premises.

There have been a few Impeachment motions against Judges of Higher Judiciary. Such Impeachment motion has not taken place against any other Constitutional authorities so far to the best of my knowledge and belief.

There are historical events of a Justice sent to jail by the Judiciary, theHon'ble Supreme Court is opened to hear the curative/review petition of the Parliament Attack Convict to save him from the Gallows, whereas many whistle blowers are allowed to be crushed, even using the Higher Judiciary, including the Last Resort for Justice Unethically, Unfairly. I wonder if the Highest Judiciary is the Last (or LOST) Resort for Justice.

This Unavoidably needs immediate review of working of our Constitution by all the Constitutional Heads, under the Chairmanship of the President of India, as the First Citizen of our Country.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,

Founder Trustee 'Tad Dvam Asi Trust' (Regd).
Email: more  
Many Constitutional provisions had been in selfish and diversified carry by the other Bodies. Many laws also had been diverted at different perceptions differently opting : Textual tips ; Purpose/Objective ; Concept and Conventional pretexts. These issues indeed resulted the Constitutional mandates and, Rules of various Laws at only diversified prevalence.
There is absolute need for the Citizen to aware of their prompt Constitutional rights opting the true mandate of the Preamble of our Constitution that guaranteed Vital issues of PUBLIC LIFE, PUBLIC RIGHTS, AND, THE DUTIES OF THE GOVERNMENTS that occupied the Ruling Status under the provisions of Political Democracy set AS SUGGESTED BY Smt. L. Kalavathi . more  
Sir, thank u for the feed back. I live in Chennai. My Email: Mobile: 9952051951. I have replied just now. I wish kindly read & give Ur feedback Ji. K.S.Nagarajan. On Wednesday 17 January 2018, 11:31:20 AM IST, VIJAYKUMAR N wrote: more  
I am 70, Untiring Reader, socially concerned Spiritually (that is Scientific) inclined writer, PROSPECTIVE INNOVATOR to do the REVERS GLOBALISATION. more  
At the present state of affairs, NJAC Act may be useful to some extent but if the one line Election reforms to the Nomination form is done, then all undesirable system may vanish or at least hide for life. I reserve the idea the reforms I mean to see how many ask for it. K.S.Nagarajan, Chennai. Mobile9952051951, Email: more  
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