Measures to reduce pollution
We should enhance them with our inputs:
Measures needed to address India's Air Quality
1. Vehicles not having a pollution-under-control certificate should be caught and challaned heavily
2. Latest Euro/Bharat norms in vehicle manufacturing should be strictly adhered to
3. Development of efficient and comparatively cheap public transport system will discourage people from using their personal vehicles on roads
4. By-pass roads should be created in every one of the 53 1M+ population cities so that the commercial vehicles do not need to go inside the city to pass through
5. Use of CNG should be popularized
6. Vehicles which are more than 15 years old should have a no exception ban in all cities in India
7. Vehicles carrying cement/sand and waste should be completely covered and heavy a penalty should be imposed for non-compliance
8. Industries/factories should not be allowed to operate in or near residential areas
9. Stringent caps should be put on the chemical emissions during various industrial processes
10. Waste should be put in the Municipal dumps and should not be burnt on the roads. A heavy fine should be imposed on burning of waste
11. Construction sites should be completely covered to prevent dust from spreading
12. Focus should be increased on producing Solar and Wind energy instead of the continuous use of the non-renewable sources
13. Corporations and Municipalities of all 53 1M+ cities should tender contracts for mechanised street cleaning in all the cities
14. Planting trees should an important concern to lower the pollution rate in the city
15. A steep fine should be imposed on smoking in public areas and if possible smoking must be banned
16. Seeding equipment should be subsidised and burning of stubble banned so farmers can use this equipment to plant crops without having to burn the stubble
17. A service by state Government to collect stubble farm to farm should be introduced and the same used under waste to wealth for energy generation at power plants. more