Hello. Men Tsee Khang is about Tebetan Medicine. It is not directly connected to Dalai Lama. But yes, Dr YeshI dhonden who used to head it, was ( & probably still is ) a personal Physician of Dalai Lama. Now the orgn. is run by others, as Yeshi Dhonden is quite old. But stiil he practices in limited way at ( near) Dharamshala (only). Tibetan Medicine is based on Chinese Med. as well as Ayurveda. It also uses Astrology & some Adhyatma ( but I do not know, how). Pl. read Yeshi Dhonden's Book. That & several others on Tibetan med. are avl. on Amazon ( from where I bought them). # For treatment, Dr Dhonden , as well as Men Tsee Khanag need morning-first-urine of the patient. They also 'see' & study the 'Naadi' of the patient ( & they say that it tells them a lot about the disease). If there are any Med. Test Reports, as well as med. details ( such as Chemo) they will also see them. They do have centres in several cities , & I visited their Mumbai centre for my wife. Their medicine is quite simple to take & inexpensive. I can not say how useful it is , because I got their info. late, & so went to them quite late, and moreover, due to her condition, I could not take my wife there. So they could not do the 'Naadi-pariksha'. Still they gave medicine. However, due to the advanced condition of the disease, after a few weeks my wife expired. ( I do not blame Mann Tsee Khang at all, as I was any way too late in approaching them). # If you wish to meet Dr Dhonden, you will have to visit Dharamshala, preferably wilh the patient. But one has to be prepared to stay for 2/3 days, till the number comes. # Dr Dhonden in his Book has given some cases that he has cured. # My daughter-in-law's relative or close acquaintance was taking Tibetan Medicine for her Cancer from Dharamshala ( from Dhonden or Mann Tsee Khang? I do not know) . She survived for some time, but finally succumbed. So I thnik that, the Tibetan Med. may 'cure' if the disease is in preliminary stages, but if the stage is late, it night prolong life to an extent, and might be controlling pain to an extent. # I hope u wd find the info. useful. - Subhash S. Naik , Mumbai of my daughter in law's contact. m ##