Menace of SEX & RAPE

1.”Law regards sexual intercourse as the normal exercise of physical body .” THIS SCIENTIFIC CONTENTION NOT TO BE REGARDED SINCE IT IS THE ISSUE OF NATURAL , MORAL , DIGNITY OF HONOUR BESIDES the secured concern of Sexual intercourse .

2. “Marriage is the legally recognised method for sexual satisfaction between man and woman. Marriage is the contract by which a woman consents to have continued cohabitation with her husband . “ THESE TWO DERIVATIONS ALSO AWAY FROM THE INDIAN CULTURE , CUSTOM & SYSTEM OF ANCIENT PRACTICE which is formulated on the secured concept of “ Marital life-lead under the secured betrothal confined in the issue of Family in India “ .

3. “ Law therefore presents no obstacles to such an intercourse whether the woman be or be not related to the man and if related , either as sister, daughter or daughter-in-law or sister-in-law. “ IS ALSO NOT THE GENERAL PRACTICE OF ANCIENT SYSTEM OF INDIA and confines to the Honourable & Highly dignified Holy concept of Marriage concluded making the Male bound with the secured safety life lead of Female while bringing the Female live with guaranteed security of life and respected status in the Society in the course of life lead .

3. A. Penal Code was formulated by British rule incorporating the written-downs s of other Countries in 1838 – Corrected Draft with amendments in 1879 – 1972 and was sent to the Indian Parliament. In 1976 . The regulations and conditions with the written concepts explained in point 1 , 2 , and 3 are totally the gist on various issues collected from other Countries and naturally run away from the systems , customs and practice followed since ancient times in India and becomes questionable in some issues of Social , moral , dignity and decency , Safety & Security with valid concern to the Geographically natural effects , fertility , and stimulating stamina too .
In the periods of lapse ,=== one Sect of Northern India Region started accepting the marriage of the WIDOW by her brother-in-law but with the conducive issue of Property after the Widow ;; as well as the selfish concern of the greatness of their Family dynasty .
=== In a Southern India Region , a further selfish Community started the practice of marriage between the Daughter-in-law and the Father-in-law and this is also just for selfish concern of their Family Dynasty , with the desire of keeping the Widow property with in the Family after her death and , the meager selfishness of having a dependable life-partner in the old-age for service in the instances where there is no other in the Family Born or , alive .

4.The issues of point 1 to 3 A , read with the complete Report of Sri Rao , that was submitted in 1949 to the Constituent Assembly , necessitated a valuable , wise , moral , socially safe Amendments to the Indian Penal Code and adopted the safest and justified law amendments .
Under the Section 376 , I.P.C., Excepting the husband, all other persons are liable for having sexual intercourse with a women against her consent . Here , THE IMPORTANT OBJECTIVE IS THAT : [ The word consent was inserted just to justify and legalize the meaning of Consent but not with the desire of legalization of illicit/ unnaturally related Sex ] .

4.A. The issue , concept , authorising and application of WIDOW MARRIAGE IN THE INDIAN SOCIETY that was brought with widespread awareness of the Social Cause and concept of Justice , Moral , Social , Humanity , Equal Opportunity to life till death in the Safely Secured Family System of India in India , SHALL NOT BE PREFERRED FOR SEX WITH MANY MEN IN THE LIFE ;;;
Thus , the legal definitions and derivations of Sexual intercourse AS THE NORMAL EXERCISE OF PHYSICAL BODY ====
AS WELL AS THE RAPE THAT TO BE CONCLUDED OR DERIVED , AS THE INEVITABLE NATURAL EXERCISE OF HUMAN BODY do not stand justified in this country , India , under the prime , prominent , ethical , moral , honourable at dignity and decency shall not be caused to take place .

5. The Section 375 that was enacted in 1983 detailed the Rape in six descriptions and are those acceptable , adoptable and practiceable requisites of safeguarding the Women and her dignity , status and the supreme honour AND IS RELEVANT TO THE ABOVE JUSTIFIED CONCEPT EXPLAINED .

This Section says that :, Sexual Intercourse by a man with his own wife , the wife not being under fifteen years of age , is not rape .

And , “ or for a term which may extend to ten years and shall also be liable to fine unless the woman raped is his own wife and is not under twelve years of age , in which case , he shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years or with fine or with both . “

5.A. The issues of point 5 clearly place the HUSBAND differently separating the volume of punishment of Rape and that too , to the Age limits . 15 / 12 years .
6. Section 498- A was inserted by the Criminal Law [ Second Amendment Act, 1983 { Act 46 of 1983, Section 2 } and this Section was also placed absolutely in the spirit , Concept and objectives of “ Marriage ,” === “ Family “ === and confining to the concept s of Safety in the Society/Country , Security form misuse of any nature , Morality carrying Widow marriages , shared honour , peace and pleasantness in both the Genders .

With the issue of complex heritage , it was also said by S.C. , that this Section is intended to protect not the rights of Wife but those of Husband . Such incidents also have been in this Independent India even from 1959 , AND IS THE EFFECT OF LAPSE OF UNIFORM CIVIL CODE in one way and , in the other way , DUE TO THE MISUSE OF UNDERSTANDING THE VERY MEANING , DEFINITION AND DERIVATION OF RAPE following the legal definitions and scientific derivations .
In addition , the lack of specific meaning that to be confined , appropriate informations , clarifications of the point/issue ; that to be exactly applied in the Case , are also leading to unjustified result of this Section and is given the way for corruption , misuse , misrepresentation and even molestation and Financial benefit Thirst in the users of Law , Order and Justice .

7. Under these circumstances prevalent being the ground facts that were not made aware in the and to the general public , ; even to the police who do not know the objective meanings of the issues ; and even the Lawyers studying for just Qualification Marks , ; and , even the pathetic issue of Fake and Fictitious LAW CERTIFICATES FOUND SCORED EVEN BEYOND Seven Thousand IN NORTH INDIA LAW COLLEGES as at 2 years back itself . What about the 30 States ?

Many of our participants had already repeatedly suggested for appropriate , specific , and Correct Amendments with detailed derivations of the six descriptions , the punishments on these , AND THE CONDITIONS THAT TENDER SPECIFIC “ FIR “ with the ground facts & proofs of both Male and Female in each Case and THAT TO BE CONSENTED BY THE LOCAL POLICE COMMISSIONER / S.P.

Some participants brought to light about the malafied arrests and harassments of the Male Spouses and , even the increasing number of Suicides of the Male too .
The issue of Rape and the issue of Marriage , Marital Life , and Family in India and the issue of meanings , definitions and derivations of Rape in different Relations , Status , Circumstances AND THE COMPULSORY NEED OF FACTS ON THE BOTH SIDES OF MALE & FEMALE , the issues like incitement , inspirations , excitements , misleading exposures , instigations , persuasions , inducing agents/events/exposures , ARE ALL TO BE THOUGHT FIT AND SET IN AMENDMENTS .

Society shall not be under the wrong impression of Sex is natural exercise as legally defined for immoral or unjustified carry in the light of Justice , moral , social and of Goodness that to be scored in the meaning , definition and derivation .

8. We also know about the allowed/carried Sex stimulating and instigating ODD ADDs , ; Sex exposing & exciting Solo Songs and Chorus Dances regularly being visualized by the 24 hours T.V.News & Entertainment Channels , ; besides businessing with Female both in the name of Jobs , Exporting abroad & later making them prostitutes , ; And the carry of Brothal Houses / Flats , mismanaging many even offering Foreign Girls for Sex Races , Prostitution .

All such are the practiced , prevailed and carried Social Evils had been multiplied from 2005 and are evident from the T.V. News Channels as well as Police Reports . Added to these , there are the issues of Liquor ; Drugs Doses ; Ganjai Cigarettes ; and , the Tablets / Capsules that are advertised/visualized regularly in 24 hours T.V. Channels enlightening that they increase the Sexual Strengths & Stamina for even long time intercourse for men as well as energizing Stamina in Sex performance for Ladies ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; are all generally increasing the natural hidden Desire and even the thirst for Sex AND ARE VERY DANGEROUS FOR A SAFE , HONEST AND DECENT SOCIETY .

In the course of all these above rounding exciting and instigating , there will be the natural aspire of Sex in the legally allowed holy Marital Life . more  

Today' s T.V.News is that a Police Inspector asked a Lady to satisfy his Sexual Desire when she had been contacting him in the Station for Saving her Husband from threats in his Business . She humbly explained that she is not such and again requested but he said that he will save her husband if she serves his desire . Since this request had been in repent she could record the dialogues in her Cell Phone which she had presented to higher authorities and that the higher-ups now intending to suspend the Inspector so involved . In fact , the Police Inspector since no out of his morality , only requested her . Otherwise , he could have pressed her and persuaded to incline . He also could have escaped from Rape if caught , under the issue of " Consent of Women " even if he is charged in the court of Law . The issue of exempting punishments under IPC Section 376 A to D using the opted relaxation of " Consent of Women " , that was set by Britishians preferring from English Law or , the then thirst of their men hailed over to India for this natural need of Sexual Intercourse with exempted legal provisions . The Licencing of Prostitution under Government Rule is also such like the provision of " Consent of Women " but , set at free , safe and eased fulfillment of Sexual Desires . IF WE THINK WITH HUMANITY , THE ISSUE OF LICENCING PROSTITUTION WILL HELP THE INDIAN FAMILIES AWAY FROM THE POISONOUS EVIL OF CONSENT FOR SEX-OUTSIDE . Even now , there is absolute need of amending all such unjustified Evil Sections from IPC those give way or increase the morality , decency , honour , prestige and heritage of Women in India as well as the other Sections and Articles giving way challenging the Social Culture , Customs , Practices and Beliefs of other Classes / Citizens . more  
Menace of Sex & Property Thirst alone becoming challenges to the Society with those individuals opting easy life-lead . It is inevitably requiring correcting reforms in the laws connected and relevant . 1.The extreme Safe concern on women inabilities , specialities and pertinent exemptions under section 375 , 376 , 497 , 498 etc., in the issues of illegal Sexual intercourse , Adultery , Elopement , as well as the definitions , considerations derived & conclusions on the issue of Rape standing as the exceptional root cause hidden for the never ending nature of this prime , prominent and valued issue THAT SHALL BE ONLY BETWEEN & WITH THE MARRIED COUPLE ALONE as its natural concept but unique and holy quality . The other-side issue of this Sexual intercourse creates rivalry , cruelty and ruins the whole Society and is why the Women are set at guilt edged security in the Family . The Sections of IPC 300 etc., had exempted the Murders of the Male culprits , but the laws of Adultery and Rape are not dressed with this vitally important responsibility of the Male where the women were wrongly addressed exempting women with the most easiest clause of “ Consent of Women “ . THIS IS THE SECOND EXCEPTIONAL ROOT CAUSE HIDDEN FOR THE NEVER ENDING ILLEGALITY IN SEX . This is now inevitably warranting amendment of all the laws connected and relevant with the issue of illegal Sex . There is also the necessity of prophecy , legitimacy in concluding the amendments to these laws which shall not allow possibilities of Escapism , nor shall not provide any lenient view in the name of inability / disability , incapability , inadequacy or discrimination except the Wife and Husband in this issue of Sexual intercourse . THE S.C. DERIVATIONS ON MENTAL CRUELTY IN REGARD TO DIVORCE , SHALL BE INCORPORATED IN THE LAWS OF DIVORCE TO SAVE INDIVIDUALS OF BOTH THE SEX . 2.Already the IPC Sections inserted the issue of “ Consent of Women “ even in the issues of Married Women exempting her under law knowingly that there is every and ever chance of Escape even by those women of immoral , unsocial and dishonest nature . The added thirst of lavish and Luxurious easy going life-lead besides the imitations and imbibe of EVENTS LIKE LOVERSS DAY , RAGGING etc., amidst the Sex provocative visualisations through Electronic Media resulted in increasing issues of illegal Sex , Rape , AND EVEN THE FALSIFIED ALLEGATIONS OF RAPE and many are under the misuse of Divorce and Section 498 a . This has already proved the sanctity of such and any further delay on the concept of honour or heritage or the exceptional clauses will en-route to increasing legalised prostitution . THIS WILL MAKE MEN TO SUICIDE while their dependent Family members ruin ;;;;; THIS WILL MAKE MANY WOMEN SUICIDE OR CONVERT INEVITABLY THEMSELVES . This furtherance is dangerous to any Nation and so , there is fast need to amend the laws pertinent and relevant to Illegitimate Sex , Adultery , and Rape , bringing all UNDER ONE SECTION highlighting the concept of Sexual intercourse as to be within the related wife and husband ; or , the Licensed Prostitution authorising Brothel Houses AND THIS WILL ELIMINATE AND ERADICATE THE ILLS AND EVILS UNDER THE GUISE OF NATURAL PHYSICAL EXERCISE OF ENGLISH LAW . 3. I request the Lawyers and the Citizens of the Society to think deeply once for all and move the INDIAN LAW COMMISSION as well as the Indian Judiciary fast . more  
The real issue is corrupted mentality. Which is why the real criminals go scot free & the innocent suffer. more  
Yes please : A. The placement of Sex as the normal exercise of physical body as law regards , indeed increased the lust in certain classes of people as an alternate of gymnastics . The Police Seizing the Beauty Parlors where Body Messaging with Ladies continued with this Sexual exercise even involving Women of Other Countries IS A COGNIZANT PROOF . Even since earlier decades , this concept had made many involve in fraudulent and malafied activities of preferring ladies of certain physic even making use of the situational opportunities . “ It can be the result of persuasion , allurements or blandishments which may either have caused the willingness of the woman or may have encouraged or co-operated with initial inclination .” “ It may be that ....... was dissatisfied with her husband and wanted voluntarily to leave her husband . “ “ She must have been encouraged or induced not to go back to her husband because she knew that she would find ready shelter and protection “ The such 3 above contentions identified by the Judges of S.C. and the learned Counsels were found in many cases and issues . B. The accepted/allowed/regarded issue of “ Consent “ to be away from the illicit Sexual intercourse/Crime of Rape is the other poisonous system for Lust increase . Yes and Yes . “ incestuous sexual intercourse will become punishable only the happening of one condition , viz., = if it is done against the consent of the woman in which case it becomes the offence of rape under the present Section 376 I.P.C. “ “ Excepting the husband , all other persons are liable for having sexual intercourse with a woman against her consent . “ “ Consent is the only essential ingredient of the crime . “ ” with her consent , when her consent has been obtained by putting her in fear of death or hurt “ . “ whoever has sexual intercourse with his own wife, who is living separately from him under a decree of separation or under any custom or usage with her consent shall be punished in imprisonment..... ..... “ HERE THE EXEMPTION GIVEN TO HUSBAND FOR SEX DURING HER SEPARATION , SHALL ALSO STANDS AS RAPE AND TO BE ALSO PUNISHED . The exemption allowed in Section 376 is in deed injustice in terms of separation for willful Divorce set . C. Section 375 , 376 , 498 and , 498 A , thus need rectifying Amendments with full specific explanations at the interest of the Male and Female Genders as well as , the Male Spouse and Female Spouse . THUS , THE HUSBAND AND WIFE SHALL BE ADDRESSED WITH GUILT EDGED SECURITY OF MARITAL STATUS AND THE ISSUE OF “ FAMILY “ . The Supreme Court also held that a man who do not work and cannot pay for the Maintenance of the Divorced wife , will still enjoy his balance life after undergoing the 14 years imprisonment on killing her while the Divorced and left out wife has to meet the lifelong punishment if she cannot earn and have for her . And, delivered the mandated verdict . THIS ALSO STANDS COGNIZANT AND MORALLY , SOCIALLY & LAWFULLY BOUND GUARANTEE OF LIVING OF THE INDIAN WOMAN AND IS ALSO AT THE CONCEPT OF FEMALE STATUS AS WIFE IN THE FAMILY . [ i ] “ Ever since the rape of Proserpine, it has always been regarded as an offence of great heinousness and as such deserving even the sentence of death “ [ ii ] “ The offence owes its enormity to the defilement and dishonour it reflects on the whole family “ The comments of some S.C. Judges and the two citations of learned counsels also shall be made as the base of computing amendments to these sections , 375 , 376 , and , 498 & 498 A AND NOT WITH EITHER the accepted recognition of Sex intercourse as natural exercise of physical body in legal terminology OR THE CONTENTIONS OF “ Consent of Women “ FOR GRANTING EXEMPTION IN “ RAPE “ as well as , the Sexual intercourse . D. The honourable pride of women and “ Family “ in India that were carried and placed at the Top of the whole Society with the integrity concept of == JUSTICE , MORAL , SOCIAL , and GOODNESS as well as the concern of Safe , pleasant , guaranteed and Secured status of life for Women IS TO BE THE SOLE CONCERN OF THE AMENDMENTS CONSIDERING THE POINT ‘ C ’ AND THE EMPHATIC : C – [ i ] and , [ ii ] . This requires the other pertinent and relevant laws also to be amended with specific narrations removing all possible loop-holes ; but , adding the S.C. Directions already available in the Court Record . This will also tender Repel of certain laws/Sections in force . The precautionary measure definitely need prompt formulation of Uniform Civil Laws to remove the obstacles/hurdles . more  
Sir, You caught it right. Laws being made to declare the husband an evil creature, but all the opthers as "nice people".. that is very briefly. more  
You are true . The Adulteress/Debaucher as well as the Adulterer/Debaucher under prostitution , both are exempted from the use of Rape under Section 498 A , just because of this poisonous clause of liberalized “ consent of women “ . In these issues , there is also no difference between the married and the unmarried , widow or widower . THIS IS AN ABSOLOUTE PROOF OF QUALIFYING THE HUSBAND AS A RAPIST AND IS PUNISHED UNDER SECTION 498 A . This injustice is to be eliminated .
In the same way , those Businessing maintaining the Brothal Houses are also to be set for life time imprisonment or , at least more than 10 years .
But , this leads to an another injustice since the issue of Prostitution , Debauchering , running Brothel Houses is a livelihood profession and was also recognized and licensed earlier . more  
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