Mistake done by leader of opposition in Tamil Nadu

There is no doubt that very large section of people in Tamil Nadu are dissatisfied with the quality of governance of the present Tamil Nadu government and the behavior of the ruling party MLAs , ministers and politicians.

Certainly, people are looking for better quality of governance and are now ready to support and vote for some other leadership , if such alternate leadership would provide confidence to them.

Even before the last assembly election in Tamil Nadu, most people were dissatisfied with the quality of governance and leadership of the then AIADMK government , which was suspected to be steeped in nepotism and corruption.

People were willing to vote out the then government in the last assembly election. However, when they looked at the alternate parties and political leadership and their past track record, many thought that the then AIADMK government would still be comparably better. The AIADMK secured negative votes and came back to power.

Today, while people of Tamil Nadu want better governance and would like to vote accordingly , they certainly would not like to jump from the frying pan to the fire. The present leader of opposition in Tamil Nadu should keep this perspective of the people in view, while formulating his programmes and politics.

The recent stand of the leader of opposition on several issues give cause for concern, as people do not want politics of confrontation but politics of constructive approach. An immediate example is the attempt to blow NEET issue out of proportion, thinking that this would gain him lot of support. Obviously, he needs better advice.

The leader of the opposition should talk about short term and long term plans for industrial and economic growth, visionary scheme to improve the quality of education and relieve the agricultural sector from stress and provide appropriate quality leadership to the youth of the state. The people of the state are now well informed and they cannot be taken for granted anymore. The silent majority in Tamil Nadu has certainly firm views and they may not be adequately represented by the shouting brigades.

What Tamil Nadu people want today is a leadership that has vision, conducts with dignity and promises corruption and nepotism free governance and credible action plan. Certainly they do not want a leadership that focuses on public protests and demonstration or indulge in venomous attacks on others.

N.S.Venkataraman more  

View all 11 comments Below 11 comments
Sir, I agree with your views. regards, S. Ravindra Kumar On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 9:43 PM, N.S. Venkataraman < support@localcirclesmail.com> wrote: > more  
I wonder why Mr.NSV never made his comment on the culprit at Delhi who is the whole responsible for the crisis in TN. They are coward who does all underground work but deny the same. I request Mr.NSV to make a good advise to the centre if they are ready to receive you because the PERSON doesn't like the people who raise questions( as stated by BJP MP recently.) more  
Tamil Nadu people want today is a leadership that has vision, conducts with dignity and promises corruption and nepotism free governance and credible action plan. Mr RAMANI RENGARAMANUJAM is right We do not have an alternate Even if the elections re held, we may have a hung assembly only Neither BJP nor DMK is willing to take a risk, lleave alone AIADMK. BJP is not willing to allow DMK to succeed and hence they want a party that will be their servant and will simply carry out many things that are otherwise not acceptable to people of TN. People of TN are brain washed to that extend that they can not identify which is the right party for which they can vote. Many of the politicians in TN can never get an opportunity to rule the state or become a major force to create an impact on central Govt. policies. But they present a sensatonal announcement, with out bothering about their outcome. Sensationalism is a type of editorial bias in mass media in which events and topics in news stories and pieces are overhyped to present biased impressions on events, which may cause a manipulation to the truth of a story. Sensationalism may include reporting about generally insignificant matters and events that do not influence overall society and biased presentations of newsworthy topics in a trivial or tabloid manner contrary to the standards of professional journalism. Some tactics include being deliberately obtuse, appealing to emotions, being controversial, intentionally omitting facts and information,being loud and self-centered and acting to obtain attention. Trivial information and events are sometimes misrepresented and exaggerated as important or significant and often include stories about the actions of individuals and small groups of people, the content of which is often insignificant and irrelevant relative to the macro-level day-to-day events that occur globally. Furthermore, the content and subject matter typically affect neither the lives of the masses nor society and instead is broadcast and printed to attract viewers and readers I am not in anyway worried about the views expressed by our Political leaders and other so called self proclaimed leaders in the cini field. But I wonder even people like Mr Ponraj (the Scientific adavisor to Mr KALAM) when he says that the central Govt. exempted AIIMS and JIPMER from NEET, with a pupose and forced NEET on the students of TN. He must be knowing the fact that “AIIMS examination level is undoubtedly tougher than NEET/AIPMT exam. It is highly competitive. AIIMS is much more difficult to crack than NEET/AIPMT because of limited number of seats and the difficulty level of questions asked in the exam. He must also be aware of the fact that All India Institute of Medical Sciences was established by an Act of Parliament of 1956 as an autonomous institution of national importance and its objectives and functions were defined. By virtue of this Act, the Institute awards its own medical degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions. So when you enter in to politics, you must be ready to make statements off the hat and must not be worried about right and wrong ie. must offer, "sensational news" But let us be confident that the Almighty will give us a good Govt. more  
I suppose the leader of opposition you mention is Stalin. If that group comes to power they will loot Tamilnadu coffers with impunity just as they did in Central government. I think TN will be better with a dissolved assembly and President's rule till the next parliamentary election. more  
simply staying and party will loot is only a propaganda with an inner agenda. zthen agenda never includes the welfare of the total public. Whatever said and done and by creating an illusion whether any one who replied to the posts can say the ruling party and the demised leader are honest and done for the welfare of the state. Even all the actions of the centre are being adversely affecting all the sectors of the nation.
The only example I like to quote is the the same BJP cried for increase of even a rupee on petrolevery fortnight but now everyday an increase.
The BJP is clever and master in camel riding. put heavy loads on it back and drop a small piece in its front to fool that there is no load.
Even Lord Ramadurai cannot save more  
who ever may come , public wants good governence more  
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