This is a pressing question posed by both the public and government authorities. So, where does the responsibility lie?

# Responsibility of the Authorities
The initiative for mosquito and larvae control must begin with the government—primarily the state and local administration. These bodies have access to necessary resources, including personnel (both scientific and frontline workers), supervisors, funds, and systems to implement effective mosquito control measures.

# Key Responsibilities Include:
Informing the public about the guidelines on preventing mosquito breeding and curbing environments conducive to mosquito populations.
Supervising breeding sites, such as stagnant water pools, water tanks, and storm water drains, and taking appropriate action.

It's important to note that mosquito eggs hatch into larvae within just 48 hours, and larvae develop into mosquitoes within 10 to 14 days. Therefore, mosquito control efforts should not be sporadic. Regular and consistent interventions are required as long as mosquitoes continue to reproduce.
Role of Individuals and Households

While the authorities play a significant role, individual households and housing colonies also have a critical part to play. Individuals must be aware of the steps to prevent mosquito larvae from thriving on their premises. Preventive measures should be the priority, and repellents should only be used as a last resort or as a backup when preventive actions fall short.

# Steps for Households Include:
Ensuring there is no stagnant water in and around their premises.
Regularly cleaning water tanks and maintaining proper drainage.
Using repellents only when necessary and focusing on eliminating breeding grounds.
Biological Methods for Mosquito Control
There are various biological methods available for controlling mosquito larvae. One of the most effective is the use of predatory fish. Species like the mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis) and Tilapia, which are native to certain regions and are also consumed by humans, can be introduced to water bodies to naturally reduce mosquito larvae populations.

In Chennai, for instance, we successfully introduced these fish into tanks and wells, years back significantly reducing mosquito populations, and harvest of the well grown fish for consumption after 4 months.
Coordination is Key

For these efforts to succeed, coordination between the public, administrative staff, and scientific communities is essential. The skill and technique required to implement these measures must be imparted to local authorities to ensure sustained and effective mosquito control efforts.
- Jai Hind. more  

View all 7 comments Below 7 comments
Of course, it is the responsibilities of Government and local administration to control the mosquito menace. Higher authorities to visit the water lying areas frequently during monsoon season to avoid the stagnation of waters which is the cause for breeding mosquito. Though the precaution measures are taken by the Government, Public also to be very co-operative with the government authorities by maintaining their gardens and their premises without stagnation of contaminated waters during monsoon period. more  
Successive Indian governments failed to control population of human beings due to dirty competitive vote bank politics, how they control population of mosquitoes? The main target of every political party is to jack up vote bank by hook or crook. more  
But some states have taken the , the vasectomy, Tubectomy, Condom distribution drive & 2 child norm seriously and were paid with rich dividends; The states of Kerala and Tamilnadu.
But that turns against them in terms of representation for Assembly and Parliament. more  
Anil Chandhok- I fully agree more  
With unlimited and (uncontrolled ?) building and re-development going around in Mumbai, DDT fumigation is somewhat useful. But is any one listening.? more  
earlier IR staff were doing and it was bad and now it has been outsourced with no one to supervise or even look whether it has been cleaned electrical switches are working or not and whether water is there in the toilet or not so what happens now it has gone from bad to worse.Railway authorities only can be blamed.Any govt dept like even if one goes to any govt office in any city in india and go to toilet you can smell the stink that it has not been cleaned since how many days one can guess.Any govt dept there is no one to be held responsible hence no one cares more  
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