MPLAD Funds Deployment - Inputs

I have already given in my earlier inputs about this severaltimes, regarding the misuse done with this MPLAD FUNDS. Only a portion is spent with big fanefare and remaining goes in to wind. It is not known whether the MPLAD FUNDS given to MPs are subjected to CAG Audit every year where in the MP needs to produce proof(chalans, receipts, letters, Acknowledgements, etc) of their expenditure to the constituency to the Audit office. (If the audit party is in contact it is needless to say what pressure these poor officials would be subjected to).
During 3 or 4 decades back, MPs would list out the projects to be implemented in their constituencies, work out approximate cost and submit to GOI in the Parliament and insist that their projects are to be implemented first. There was no malpractice then. But during the Congress regime, the MPs were given MPLAD FUNDS and expected them to do wonders in their constituency and make it a paradise. Yes, they made their life a paradise. Now it is time to reconsider. SHOULD WE CONTINUE THIS WORTHLESS SCHEME INTRODUCED BY CONGRESS GOVERNMENT OF PROVIDING MPLAD FUNDS TO MPS AND WASTE PUBLIC MONEY, Mr,Modi Government may examine this and do the needfu. more  

Most of the government schools are not equipped with toilets. Few months back, we, Nesam India Foundation, a social service trust, made ready the already available unused girls toilet in a village called Avoor, near Trichy. We spent around 15000 to make it usable after the request from the HM of the school. We came to notice the unusable toilet, while we conduct a medical camp in that school. The councilors or the president of each area should react fast by revealing the real facts of each village or area to the higher ups like MLA or MP which is not being carried out no. more  
MPLAD Funds if utilized for the public needs recommended or that proposed by their District Collectors , will root the real needy in their constituency . Sri K. R. Chandrasekharan has correctly pointed this practice being innovated by Congress party which in deed nothing but for the carry of support in the public for their own interest . That is why many have earlier suggested for removal of this that was really ment for emergency situations to eliminate the government process delay. If this is not possible , the best way is to carry this through the district collectorates. more  
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