Municipal worker management.

At present I notice that sweepers come in the morning at about 7 or 7.30 AM and work for about two to two and a half hours sweeping a particular patch, heap up the trash and leave it there or set it on fire. They then go away, god knows where. They come in groups and are managed by a supervisor. But the problem is that they are paid pretty high wages when compared to farm workers but do not put out half as much work. They may or may not be going to another location after cleaning a hundred metre stretch. But the work that they do is shabby and incomplete. Any job needs to be finished properly. If it is sweeping, the trash must be disposed of properly, if it is desilting gutters, the mud must be removed and taken away and if it is road maintenance the berms must be levelled and footpaths finished and the execution completed. Every job undertaken by a municipal worker or contractor at present appears incomplete and unfinished after it is done. This culture in work execution must change. For that the following procedure will help:
1. Municipal workers in pairs must be allotted a 2 km stretch and they must be fully accountable for that stretch for cleanliness and maintenance. They must sweep the roads and ensure the truck that is suppose to collect the collected waste clears it without fail or delay Foot paths, berms and minor works must be done by them and major works must be reported to the supervisor who can refer it to a dedicated team of skilled workers who are equipped to complete that work.
2. Same with contractors. The job description itself must be complete and include not just asphalting or concreting but also making the drains, foot paths and sides to ensure there is no need to tender another work again to ensure finishing.
3. For this the basic need is to ensure that roads are of specified and uniform width. For this the govt, needs to enact legislation to specify that any road inside an urban area must be a minimum of 12 metres wide with gutters on either side demarcating the boundaries of the road. In exceptional cases like old and heavily built up areas it may be reduced to 10 metres. This road width must be deemed govt. land and no legislation for compensation must be permitted. In fact if properties encroach on this width they must be penalised till they withdraw. In turnings, corners and junctions the govt. must by legislation be permitted to acquire required land to broaden roads to the required extent. Legislation is also required to ensure that all roads connecting towns, cities and villages must be a minimum of 15 metres wide. The PWD must ensure that all roads are widened and formed up to this width all over the country. Legislation must ensure that this cannot be subject to litigation. It must also be legislated that where roads are less than 10 metres broad, the properties on such roads must he taxed at twice the existing rate till the owners of such properties surrender enough land to enable widening to 10metres. Roads inside urban areas including villages must all have metalled surfaces at least 6 metres wide with space on the sides between the metalled surface and the gutter for foot paths or conduits as required. This minimum requirement for roads must become the national standard. more  

View all 92 comments Below 92 comments
all due to the lethargic and corruptive attitude of the official in the administration. they don't have sincerity and honesty. people should collectively and courageously rise and ask them more  
Sir, the whole issue boils down to ACCOUNTABILITY. Why do we need supervisor over supervisor to monitor a task. Why are our workers not a dedicated lot like many other advanced countries? Why do we cheat on work and on various other aspects of day to day life. Unless the accountability is fixed and ensured, there will not be major impact on cleanliness. more  
The money is made by contractors and not sweepers. The problem is the way is divided among the sweepers. One person sweeps and leaves the swept material on the side of the road. He is not supposed to collect it and put it in the wheelbarrow or whatever is used for collection of the swept material. There is lack of co-ordination here. The sweeper must be given a certain stretch to complete the full job. Even when PWD contractors make manholes, someone comes and installs the manhole and leaves the debris around. The contractor who is given the work of installing the manhole is not accountable to remove the debris. more  
For the last one year in Sector 19 and 19B, Dwarka Delhi, I have been struggling to do whatever is humanly possible to ensure that this part of Dwarka is kept clean, but it is not only impossible but also a mockery of Swatch Bharat slogan. if This is the fate of one of the best localities in the capital of India, then how can the small towns and cities be kept clean. The main reason is apathy of the municipality. No accountability of the officers. Each one of them needs to be on the roads, and they just leave it to the supervisor and the sweepers. The commissioners and the assistant commissioners should be on the road every day in the morning hours in the different areas and local enthusiasts should be taken on board to deliver the theme of Swatch Bharat. So much of manpower works in municipalities and yet our cities are in a pathetic condition. Shame Shame & Shame. But who is listening???????? more  
There are mixed category of sweepers in MC Delhi. Contracted and regular. It is absolutely true that the sweepers come in groups and vanish in groups. From Supervisor to entire hierarchy up the ladder has no control on them. They are even paid when they don't come. This is a class which is highly pampered and even mayor can't do anything in it. The best way is to have mechanised sweeping and garbage lifting vehicles, the way it is being done in other parts of the world. Huge heap of debris keeps on piling on the roads and near the societies and no one is bothered. It seems Indians have reconciled to the idea that the country can't be cleanes. Imagine what will be the condition in 2020 and then in 2030 and 2040. Our future generations will curse us. more  
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