My draft compilations of your views and suggestions
1. I have tried to capture your suggestions towards Keeping up the AAP momentum in the Word doc. This is being posted in the next message.
2. I have tried to compiled most of your other suggestions in the Excel sheet under the following categories. I am attaching this sheet for you to add or modify the draft. Those who have better expertise in Microsoft document may improve this sheet and post it with due instructions.
i. Autos and taxis
ii. Consumer Courts
iii. Cooperative societies of Delhi.
iv. Corporate Corruption
v. Corruption in RWAs/ Mohala Sabha.
vi. Delhi Police
vii. Health insurance
viii. Issue-specific and location-specific circles
ix. Knowledge-bank of Members
x. Mentoring & sensitization
xi. Women Safety
Thanks and regards
Dr. C. Devakumar more