My left nostril is usually blocked,my right nostril is ok but sometimes on inside it gets hard when cleaning blood is noticed. more
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Ditto here! Mine is also blocked ever two three hours. I use Otrivin nasal spray and that brings some immediate relief but it occurs again in two three hours. You can try half a tablet of Allegra before sleep and will surely get some relief. It is all due to allergy and you may go for a test to find the allergens causing this blockage in your case. Another remedy is prescription of some steroids by your Doctor. Sutra Neti is also recommended for clearing the passage but it should be done after Jal Neti and yes Cow ghee drop in your nostrils will also help. more
Jan 07
I am pouring warm desi ghee 1 -2 drops in each nostril daily and that takes care of blocked nose. Try it. more
Jan 06