My suggestions as the top 5 priorities for transforming Bharath.
Second priority should be Electricity, production, transmission and distribution, and revamping of the state Electricity boards. New Projects must be taken up on a war-footing to produce electricity from Mini-hydroelectric, Thermal, Atomic and other non-conventional energy sources like wind, geo-thermal, waves, bio-mass etc. Power generation from Thorium, whose stock we have in plenty, and which technology we have must be given top most priority. Like in Gujarat , all state electricity boards should be ramped up and divided into three entities , one each for production, transmission and distribution/sales. All loans due of the state EBs to the coal mines, Electric companies should be made into a consolidated interest-free loan to be paid at the rate of 10% every year. All new supplies must be promptly paid by the boards, otherwise power supply should be stopped.
The third important thing is handling corruption. Make a stringent law so that the corrupt are punished quickly, be it a PM or cabinet ministers or CM or state ministers or Government officials right from the secretary to the clerk. The notorious scams of UPA II like the 2G, CWG,COALGATE, Vadera's land grabbing etc etc should be thoroughly investigates quickly with the help of special courts and guilty punished. Not only that the properties earned in such dubious ways should be confiscated and made use of in projects like River inter-linking or Electricity infrastructure etc. Special care should be taken to bring back the money slashed by politicians/ businessmen and others in foreign banks and the money utilised for special projects like 1 or 2.
Agricuture : While 1 & 2 will surely help farmers, like in Gujarat , the Indian government should implement a one-window scheme of bringing to the villages itself a group of experts like soil testing, agricuture experts, seeds suppliers, fertiliser and pesticide suppliers, finance , marketing experts and potential agro-industries to buy their produce. This must be given top priority too. What the farmer requires is technical input, supply of essentials like water, power, seeds, fertilisers, pesticides etc, a little help in finance to give a good produce, some help in selling their produce and in cases of a poor demand and a bumper crop some facilities for storing the goods; AND not loan waivers, WHICH in fact donot reach them at all and does not solve their problems.
My fourth and fifth suggestions a little later, please. more