Take a look at the attachments and follow the instructions given under :
Make sure to keep the mouth open to breath:
Stand straight with legs apart, body weight evenly distributed between the two feet and lean forward.
Tilt the head to the right side and place the pot’s nozzle in the left nostril.
OPEN THE MOUTH SLIGHTLY AND BREATHE THROUGH THE MOUTH.[This will make sure not to allow water into the lungs .]
Pour the water into the left nostril through the nozzle slowly and it will come out through the right nostril.
Keep breathing through the mouth calmly. Do not get feared, the water will come automatically from the opposite Nostril.
Keep the whole body relaxed and let the water pass out through the right nostril.
When half of the water is used, remove the pot or lota, remain bending forward, centre the head, let the water run out of the nose.
Close the right nostril with the fingers and blow gently through the left nostril so that all remaining water comes out. Now close the left nostril and blow gently through the right nostril.
Practise in the same way passing the water through the right nostril.
After the completing the practice do Kapalabhati for 10-15 rounds.
In the case of children one can adopt what the mother demonstrates with her baby . more